2 I’m using C#, .NET7 minimal API and HotChocolate GraphQl. I’m trying to setup graphQl simple query endpoint which will be able to return stream like this: public async IAsyncEnumerable<string> GetDummyNumbers() { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)); yield return i.ToString(); } } It works as is but even […]
12 In CPP Reference it is stated that: std::byte is a distinct type that implements the concept of byte as specified in the C++ language definition. Like char and unsigned char, it can be used to access raw memory occupied by other objects (object representation), but unlike those types, it is not a character type […]
0 I have a Strapi app that outputs graphql, it a list of fonts that I simple want to display on a page The page looks like this ‘use client’ import {getDataFromTree} from ‘@apollo/client/react/ssr’ import withApollo from ‘../lib/withApollo’ import { useThemeContext } from ‘./appState’ import { FontEntityResponse } from ‘@/generated’ const Home = () => […]
0 Image upload using Apollo server and mongodb database . If any body has solution or reference, please let me know. Thank you node.js mongodb express graphql apollo-server Share Follow asked Jul 17 at 13:48 DigenDigen 5999 bronze badges Add a comment | 1 Answer 1 Sorted by: Reset to default Highest score (default) Trending […]
0 I´m traying to do that my header in one column of my table be dynamic. i´m working with vue js 2. i have this object to statics headers: headers: [ { text: ‘Nombre’, value: ‘nombre’ }, { text: ‘Tipo de grupo’, value: ‘tipoGrupo’ }, { text: ‘Actividad’, value: ‘tipoLiquidacion’ }, { text: ‘Número de […]
37 I´m trying to store a UNIX timestamp in MongoDB using GraphQL, but it seens that GraphQL has a limit to handle integers. See the mutation below: const addUser = { type: UserType, description: ‘Add an user’, args: { data: { name: ‘data’, type: new GraphQLNonNull(CompanyInputType) } }, resolve(root, params) { params.data.creationTimestamp = Date.now(); const […]
0 I have my User object made based off of my prisma schema. I’m trying to create a RegisteredUserRes objectType where the field createdUser should be of type User from my prismaObject. How can I do that? import { builder } from ‘../builder’; import type PrismaTypes from ‘@pothos/plugin-prisma/generated’; builder.prismaObject(‘User’, { fields: t => ({ id: […]
0 I’ve been learning the mern stack from this book I’m now on Nested Routes under React Router chapter The web application is supposed to render this on the page. When clicking the Select link under the Action column, the description of an issue is displayed on the bottom part of the page. But in […]
0 I have the following model in my NextJs 13 app. I am using grafbase. // @ts-ignore const User = g .model(‘User’, { name: g.string().length({ min: 2, max: 100 }).optional(), email: g.string().unique(), password: g.string().optional(), active: g.boolean().optional(), allowReset: g.boolean().optional(), avatarUrl: g.url().optional(), }) .auth((rules) => { rules.public().read() rules.private().create().delete().update() }) // @ts-ignore const ActivateToken = g .model(‘ActivateToken’, { […]
-1 can i use page items in cursor base pagination? for example it’s possible to directly address a specific page. For instance, if the requirement is to jump directly to page five, it’s possible to do so since the pages themselves are not explicitly numbered. reactjs graphql apollo-client Share Improve this question Follow asked 39 […]