9 #include <iostream> using namespace std; void Change(int arr[3]) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { arr[i] = 1; } } int Test() { int arr[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { cout << arr[i] << endl; } Change(arr); for (int […]
0 How can I make a mutation call from a client and upload a file? I can do it in the editor (screen) But I cannot figure out how to make the same from a client var request = new GraphQLRequest { Query = query, Variables = new { id = "id" }, }; var […]
0 I have a simple Todo component that pulls all todos from my GraphQL endpoint. I am testing the fragment functionality using Apollo Client and GraphQL Code Generator to generate my types. Everything works, however the types for the fragment don’t (the data is there and displays correctly on the page). Below is the code […]
0 Is there a way to create a custom class-level decorator that adds two parameters to a TypeGraphQL @ObjectType class? Example: @ObjectType() @Timestampable // custom decorator class User { @Field() email: string; } The @Timestampable decorator should add the createdAt and updatedAt props to the User class and the new props should show up in […]
0 TypeError: UserProcessOptionsNode fields cannot be resolved. ‘function’ object has no attribute ‘__func__’ class UserProcessOptionsNode(DjangoObjectType): client_configuration = GenericScalar() class Meta: model = api_models.UserProcessOptions interfaces = (relay.Node,) filter_fields = ("user",) @classmethod def get_queryset(cls, queryset, info): user_list = [] user_list.append(info.context.user) user_list.append(info.context.user.parent_user) userprocess = queryset.filter(user__in=user_list) return userprocess This issue is caused when I upgrade graphene-django from 2.15.0 to […]
1 I use Actix Identity with Cookie Policy to store user session and about to migrate from REST to GraphQL using Juniper. It would be great to create a login endpoint in GraphQL by using actix identity. Using Juniper in Actix, I’ve to move GraphQL request into web::block actix_web::web::block(|| move { let graphql_response = request.execute(&data, […]
0 I have Postgraphile running and exploring the queries. Based on my schema.prisma, I expected to run a GraphQL query similar to the SQL query below. The SQL query is getting all active, unclaimed shifts that a worker is eligible for. How can I update the GraphQL query to filter Facility document requirements based on […]
7 I think it is confusing that there is no parallel version of std::accumulate in the C++ standard. It appears to me that it would be trivial to implement it in parallel, for instance, based on OpenMP or SIMD instructions. Does anybody have a good explanation for why the standard committee chose to introduce a […]
0 I have Postgraphile running and exploring the queries. Based on my schema.prisma, I expected to run a GraphQL query similar to the SQL query below. Why do the Postgraphile queries in the docs appear differently than the GraphQL official docs? How do I proceed to build a GraphQL query? SQL query select * from […]