Tag: aws-appsync
Why does this AWS AppSync GraphQL query not work?
0 I am trying to create a appsync resolver to query an aurora-postgresql database. I have created a Movie table and have the following mutations(postMovie) and Queries(listMovies, getMoviesByName, singleMovie). The mutation works just fine and so does the listMovies query but the getMoviesByName and singleMovie(retrieves a movie by id) is not working. The error with…
AppSync subscriptions with ApolloClient in React
8 I’m currently using ApolloClient to connect to an AppSync GraphQL API. It all works perfectly for queries and mutations, but I’m having some trouble getting subscriptions to work. I’ve followed the Apollo docs and my App.js looks like this: import React from ‘react’; import ‘./App.css’; import { ApolloClient } from ‘apollo-client’; import { ApolloProvider…
AWS AppSync Subscription to Mutation with object as input struggle
0 I want to create an EventBridge Rule that should trigger a a GraphQL Subscription over Appsync. Everything worked fine until I changed Service from an object to a string. My GraphQL Schema looks like this: input nestedObjectInput { A: String B: String } type simpleReturn { Name: String Service: nestedObject } type Mutation {…
How to add description comments on schema.graphql on AWS Amplify CLI At time of amplify Push
0 I need to add description of types comments on my local project with amplify, after at time of push i need upload the comments on the schema too, for generate the JSON of Introspection schema with the comments, I already make this with AWS AppSync manually, but I need make that on amplify push……
Add appsync as subgraph to apollo graphql supergraph
0 I have apollo supergraph created with two subgraphs working perfectly. I have used Rover commands to join subgraphs with supergraph. Now I’m trying to add appsync as a subgraph to my supergraph. I have changed in the appsync schema as required apollo. Using rover command i have joined appsync as subgraph. I’m able to…
Amplify GraphQL V1 to V2 migration Authorization Issues
0 I have successfully followed this tutorial How to allow guest users to access web applications? (Amplify, AWS AppSync, Cognito & IAM) By installing @aws-amplify/[email protected] which uses [email protected] to implement a V1 API in AWS. Note: The tutorial uses v4.37 the latest is v12.6 This is the schema; type Book @model @auth( rules: [ #…
Best practices to not continuously call update APIs from mobile client
0 I’m kinda stuck on how would be the best way to implement this functionality of my app: a user has a cart and can add or remove how many items he wants throw a stepper (+ and – buttons). The cart is also saved on the backend so each stepper press (as of right…
AWS Appsync query with in or not in operator doesn’t exist?
0 I want to return all items that are not in my arrays. Some think like below but in graphql-aws world: query( collection(db, "users"), where("id", "not-in", […likedUserIds, …dislikedUserIds]) ) I tried: const { data } = await API.graphql( graphqlOperation(getUsers, { filter: { id: { ne: […likedUserIds, …dislikedUserIds]} }, }) ); But this says "Variable ‘ne’…
AppSync Enhanced Filtering resolver
0 My schema: type Mutation { createOrder(order: OrderDTO!): Order! } type Subscription { onNewOrder(minimumPrice: Float): Order @aws_subscribe(mutations: ["createOrder"]) } My Lambda resolver for createOrder mutation: exports.handler = async function (event: OrderEvent): Promise<OrderWithPrice> { const order = await orderRepository.createOrder(event); … return { …order, totalPrice: await calculateTotalPrice(order) } }; The user should pass minimumPrice parameter on subscription…
AWS Developer (GraphQL, Node JS and Typescript) – Remote – Talent Hires – Remote
Talent Hires Remote $50 – $60 Accepts corp to corp applications, Contract: Independent, W2, 2 Year(s) Skills AWS AppSync GraphQL JSON Jmeter S3 Terraform Typescript Unit testing AWS Serverless aws lambda Job Description Hi, Urgent need for AWS Developer (GraphQL, Node JS and Typescript) AWS Developer: • Technical skills – Node JS16.x, Typescript, GraphQL, ECS…