
  • GraphQL Sample query , Mutation ,..etc generation from graph Ql generation

    0 I need to generate a dynamic Query,Mutation..etc.. for GraphQl client with the GraphQL Schema from URL Endpoint in java, GraphQl Query Generator Please refer the above image . There is GraphQL Query Generator (Chrome extension) which i need all the functionality in java, { "data": { "__schema": { "queryType": { "name": "Query" }, "mutationType": […]

  • C++23: char now supports Unicode?

    8 Does C++23 now provide support for Unicode characters in its basic char type, and to what degree? So on cppreference for character literals, a character literal: ‘c-char’ is defined as either: a basic-c-char an escape sequence, as defined in escape sequences a universal character name, as defined in escape sequences and then for basic-c-char, […]

  • GraphQL Mutation Error in doctrine OneToOne nested relation with API Platform

    1 I am currently facing an issue with a GraphQL mutation in API Platform and was hoping to find some help here. Here is the background: I am working with two entities, Recepe and Picture, which have a OneToOne relationship. In my Recepe entity, the mainPicture field is linked to the Picture entity. Below are […]

  • Query works Mutations fail: Expected non-null value, resolve delegate return null

    1 I have a GraphQL .Net Core server and queries resolve wonderfully. Mutations however are failing with this error. "message": "Expected non-null value, resolve delegate return null for "$GraphQLCore.Types.SInputType"", I understand that you do not reuse your query types for mutations and I have created separate types but I’m still missing something. public class SInputType […]

  • Passing request parameter into middleware which uses ‘createHandler’ function of ‘graphql-http’

    0 I have created an express server which uses GraphQL for handling requests over HTTP. Among others, the express server has the two middlewares below. app.use(authenticate); app.use(‘/graphql’, createHandler({ schema })); The authenticate middleware invokes a function which has req, res and next as parameters and in certain conditions assigns a value to req.user. How can […]

  • I am getting error while starting webpack dev server over nodejs fastify

    0 command: "build": "webpack –config ./webpack.development.js" "start": "fastify start -l debug –options dist/bundle.js", error: AvvioError [Error]: Plugin must be a function or a promise. Received: ‘object’ at assertPlugin (C:\Local\Work\Digital\yettel\DEV\GIT\yettel-webpack\node_modules\avvio\boot.js:207:11) at Boot._addPlugin (C:\Local\Work\Digital\yettel\DEV\GIT\yettel-webpack\node_modules\avvio\boot.js:240:12) at Boot.use (C:\Local\Work\Digital\yettel\DEV\GIT\yettel-webpack\node_modules\avvio\boot.js:216:25) at Object.server.<computed> [as register] (C:\Local\Work\Digital\yettel\DEV\GIT\yettel-webpack\node_modules\avvio\boot.js:40:14) at runFastify (C:\Local\Work\Digital\yettel\DEV\GIT\yettel-webpack\node_modules\fastify-cli\start.js:149:17) { code: ‘AVV_ERR_PLUGIN_NOT_VALID’ } also how can i debug the fastify autoload […]

  • Shopify app keeps reloading after implementing GraphQL API call?

    0 I’m learning full stack dev by making a Shopify app, the stack is Javascript, React, Remix, and uses the GraphQL API. I’m consistently running into an issue with calling into the orders api call, the previously working web app will begin to repeatedly reload & then will fail with this error: This app can’t […]

  • Postgraphile cannot query SQL function

    0 I have a SQL function that I am unable to query with Postgraphile. I am getting Cannot query field "get_eligible_shifts" on type "Query"." I noticed that in the PostGraphiQL the function does not appear. Why would I not be able to query on my SQL function? Postgraphile query { get_eligible_shifts( args: {workerId: 1} ) […]

  • Passing request parameter into middleware using createHandler function of graphql-http

    0 I have created an express server which uses GraphQL for handling requests over HTTP. Among others, the express server has the two middlewares below. app.use(authenticate); app.use(‘/graphql’, createHandler({ schema })); The authenticate middleware invokes a function which has req, res and next as parameters and in certain conditions assigns a value to req.user. How can […]

  • GraphQL gql Syntax Error: Expected Name, found }

    84 I’m attempting to set up Apollo GraphQL support in a new React project, but when I try to compile a query using gql I keep receiving the error: Syntax Error: Expected Name, found } This is generated by the following code: import gql from ‘graphql-tag’ const query = gql` { user(id: 5) { firstName […]