0 I am trying to fetch data from sorare using their GraphQL API. I have managed to find the pattern to make a query as follows: import requests # Define the GraphQL query query = """ { player(slug: "nico-schlotterbeck") { firstName lastName position cardPositions id slug activeClub { name } age so5Scores(last: 5) { score […]
0 I’m trying to run a React App using ApolloClient in node.js, and I receive the following error from Chrome Inspect: invariant.ts:12 Uncaught Invariant Violation: An error occurred! For more details, see the full error text at https://go.apollo.dev/c/err#%7B%22version%22%3A%223.8.2%22%2C%22message%22%3A47%2C%22args%22%3A%5B%5D%7D at new InvariantError (https://localhost:60422/static/js/0.chunk.js:76352:24) at invariant (https://localhost:60422/static/js/0.chunk.js:76363:11) at invariant (https://localhost:60422/static/js/0.chunk.js:9980:67) at useApolloClient (https://localhost:60422/static/js/0.chunk.js:7980:80) at useQuery (https://localhost:60422/static/js/0.chunk.js:8412:103) at […]
0 I have this combined typeDefs (allTypeDefs) file: ["@link(url: "https://specs.apollo.dev/federation/v2.3", import: ["@key","@external"]) scalar Date type Name { first_name: String! middle_name: String last_name: String } type Safe @key(fields: "safe_id"){ safe_id: ID! owner: User! # HAS_SAFE wallets: [Wallet!]! } type User @key(fields: "user_id") { user_id: ID! email: String! role: String! permissions: [String!]! created_at: Date! updated_at: Date! username: […]
0 I’m trying to use Async Graphql, I want to use sqlx json type in model. In normal api operations the code is running. But when I want to use the async graphql InputObject macro, I get an error. The codes I used are as follows, I couldn’t find a solution for the problem. #[derive(Serialize, […]
1 I need a middleware so I can pass a variable in all my requests. This is what I have, but isn’t working. const httpLink = new HttpLink({ uri: process.env.REACT_APP_BASE_URL_API }); const addVariableMiddleware = new ApolloLink((operation, forward) => { operation.variables.newVariable = "nuevavariable"; return forward(operation); }); const client = new ApolloClient({ cache: new InMemoryCache(), link: from([addVariableMiddleware, […]
0 I’m migrating from Apollo Server 3 to Apollo Server 4 and using Koa.js as my framework and @as-integrations/koa middleware. I’ve encountered an issue where I can’t configure my Koa integration to listen to the path /graphql correctly. In Apollo Server 4, the documentation states that if you want your server to listen on a […]
0 Im trying to export the hasura metadata but i’m receiving this error after running the command hasura metadata export : FATA[0001] failed to export metadata: cannot export actions from metadata: error parsing metadata object: actions file: actions.yaml error: error in converting metadata to sdl: exit status 4: Note: If I use sudo hasura metadata […]
0 Currently, I am trying out Ballerina support for GraphQL. Is it possible for me to get the generated GraphQL schema using Ballerina? graphql ballerina Share Improve this question Follow asked 24 mins ago Kavindu Gimhan ZoysaKavindu Gimhan Zoysa 12955 bronze badges WSO2 Employee 1 Answer 1 Sorted by: Reset to default Highest score (default) […]
1 I’m trying to use the code I found here for APQ (automatic persisted queries) and graphql-request. But if I use the code like described: export const graphQLClient = new GraphQLClient("https://localhost:3000", { fetch: createPersistedQueryFetch(fetch), }); I’m getting this error in browser’s console: TypeError: Failed to execute ‘text’ on ‘Response’: body stream already read at getResult […]