I am getting error while starting webpack dev server over nodejs fastify

I am getting error while starting webpack dev server over nodejs fastify


"build": "webpack –config ./webpack.development.js"
"start": "fastify start -l debug –options dist/bundle.js",


AvvioError [Error]: Plugin must be a function or a promise. Received: 'object'
at assertPlugin (C:\Local\Work\Digital\yettel\DEV\GIT\yettel-webpack\node_modules\avvio\boot.js:207:11)
at Boot._addPlugin (C:\Local\Work\Digital\yettel\DEV\GIT\yettel-webpack\node_modules\avvio\boot.js:240:12)
at Boot.use (C:\Local\Work\Digital\yettel\DEV\GIT\yettel-webpack\node_modules\avvio\boot.js:216:25)
at Object.server.<computed> [as register] (C:\Local\Work\Digital\yettel\DEV\GIT\yettel-webpack\node_modules\avvio\boot.js:40:14)
at runFastify (C:\Local\Work\Digital\yettel\DEV\GIT\yettel-webpack\node_modules\fastify-cli\start.js:149:17) {

also how can i debug the fastify autoload plugin?

tried to debug setting fastify start command -l option didnt work..
expectation is to start application successfully with one bundle.js file and serve graphql apollo playground

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