Tag: fastify

  • Submission error! response.header is not a function in nest-fastify graphql

    Submission error! response.header is not a function in nest-fastify graphql

    0 I need set header autorization client. But have error in my Mutation "Submission error! response.header is not a function". my main.ts async function bootstrap() { const app = await NestFactory.create<NestFastifyApplication>( AppModule, new FastifyAdapter(), ); await app.enableCors({ origin: true, methods: ‘GET,HEAD,PUT,PATCH,POST,DELETE,OPTIONS’, credentials: true, }); await app.useGlobalPipes(new ValidationPipe({ stopAtFirstError: true })); await app.register(fastifyCookie, { secret: ‘secret’,…

  • I am getting error while starting webpack dev server over nodejs fastify

    I am getting error while starting webpack dev server over nodejs fastify

    0 command: "build": "webpack –config ./webpack.development.js" "start": "fastify start -l debug –options dist/bundle.js", error: AvvioError [Error]: Plugin must be a function or a promise. Received: ‘object’ at assertPlugin (C:\Local\Work\Digital\yettel\DEV\GIT\yettel-webpack\node_modules\avvio\boot.js:207:11) at Boot._addPlugin (C:\Local\Work\Digital\yettel\DEV\GIT\yettel-webpack\node_modules\avvio\boot.js:240:12) at Boot.use (C:\Local\Work\Digital\yettel\DEV\GIT\yettel-webpack\node_modules\avvio\boot.js:216:25) at Object.server.<computed> [as register] (C:\Local\Work\Digital\yettel\DEV\GIT\yettel-webpack\node_modules\avvio\boot.js:40:14) at runFastify (C:\Local\Work\Digital\yettel\DEV\GIT\yettel-webpack\node_modules\fastify-cli\start.js:149:17) { code: ‘AVV_ERR_PLUGIN_NOT_VALID’ } also how can i debug the fastify autoload…

  • File Upload on apollo gateway

    File Upload on apollo gateway

    0 I have two graphql subgraphs server a and server b. Each running fastify and mercurius and using grapqql-upload to handle files. I also have an apollo gateway connected to both servers and working well for queries and mutations. However when using file upload I get a validation error. Anyone ever dealt with this ?…

  • Mercurius-codegen error Cannot find name ‘_Service

    Mercurius-codegen error Cannot find name ‘_Service

    0 I am implementing a graphql api subgraph using Mercuriusjs, @mercurius/federation and typescript by following their doc. But always getting error Here are some parts of my code. server.ts const app = Fastify(); const PORT = 4001; const buildContext = async (req: FastifyRequest, _reply: FastifyReply) => { return { authorization: req.headers.authorization, }; }; type PromiseType<T>…