0 I have implemented an GraphQL query using amplify. Query is getting success but response is not getting parsed. Query Model static func getStationStateList(deviceUUID:String) -> GraphQLRequest<StationStateList>{ let operationName = "getStationStateList" let document = """ query getStationStateList { getStationStateList(DeviceUUID: "(deviceUUID)") { items { SK Data } } } """ return GraphQLRequest<StationStateList>(document: document, responseType: StationStateList.self, decodePath: operationName) […]
-1 { "message": "Failed to construct ‘WebSocket’: An insecure WebSocket connection may not be initiated from a page loaded over HTTPS." } in my localhost subscription is running but on server it is not wroking , throwing above message. i want to run on server … graphql subscription wss ws graphql-ws Share Follow asked 10 […]
2 i follow the [same documentation code][1] for creating subscription server using websocket graphql, put it doesn’t work with graphql-ws and ws the code worked when i removed the serverCleanup definition, and it also woks well for older subscription library "subscription-transport-ws" my index.js const { ApolloServer } = require(‘apollo-server-express’) const { ApolloServerPluginDrainHttpServer } = require(‘apollo-server-core’) […]
0 I am unable to connect hasura with already existing Microsoft SQL Server database. For testing purpose I have used a local Microsoft SQL Server database with: server name: (LocalDb)MSSQLLocalDB user_name: user password: pass I have used the hasura cloud for connecting the existing database. This is the database url: Driver={ODBC Driver 18 for SQL […]
0 How do I rewrite my broken query? I’m writing some M code in Power Query that has a GraphQL portion submitted to an API. The goal is to retrieve some employee records: Id, Name, & AccessStatus. Right now I’m receiving a Bad Request error, supposedly due to my syntax being incorrect at some point […]
0 I am using Astro and Apollo client to fetch data using GraphQL. In Astro I am using SSR only. I have set up the following Astro dynamic routing (SSR mode): // […slug].astro — import Page from ‘../components/page/Page.astro’; import Layout from ‘../layouts/Layout.astro’; — <Layout title="Test"> <Page /> </Layout> And Page.astro: // Page.astro — import PageOne […]
0 I am trying to make a query like this in the latest apollo/server 4.9 and graphqlClient – 3.7 like below: const USER_DATA = gql` query getUserData($subdomain: String!) { getUserData(subdomain: $subdomain) { _id full_name email valid_complex_password projects { _id image_url title description street_address city province country } } } but keep getting this: { "errors": […]
10 I have a file as following: 2300 10 1112221234 111222123420231121PPPPD10+0000000850 ESIM 10 3334446789 333444678920231121PPPPD11+0000000950 RSIM 23 I want the outcome to be as following: 2300 10 1112222345 111222234520231121PPPPD10+0000000850 ESIM 10 3334447890 333444789020231121PPPPD11+0000000950 RSIM 23 I tried with the following code and was able to replace the last 4 digits in the second column and […]
0 In a KeystoneJS GraphQL project I’m trying to create a new data object (an “Article”) in the ‘resolveInput’ hook of another, existing, data object (a “Proposal” — when a Proposal is approved, I create an Article based on that Proposals’data). This worked fine using the Mongoose adapter, but I’ve tried to do it using […]
2 so I want to implement caching. I’m using version 11 hc. Now every time pagination happens there’s requests sent to the database. I want to implement it so the first time a request is made, all the data is retrieved and cached and subsequent requests(going to the next page or previous page) are retrieved […]