Tag: entity-framework-core
How can you switch includes on and off in Hotchocolate for EFCore
0 So I’m trying to figure out how to tell EfCore when to apply an include to an IQueryable object based on whether the GraphQl request from the client actually includes the related object. Example: 2 Classes: Person, Payment Theses are kept in 2 different tables and related Person -> Payment in a one to…
How to implement caching for pagination HOT chocolate?
2 so I want to implement caching. I’m using version 11 hc. Now every time pagination happens there’s requests sent to the database. I want to implement it so the first time a request is made, all the data is retrieved and cached and subsequent requests(going to the next page or previous page) are retrieved…
Can you create an embedded Graphql query?
0 I’m attempting to replicate an embedded self-referencing SQL query using GraphQl. The situation is that we have records in a database that are created off of other records by an internal user. The query I am trying to do is to get all of the records of a user and the associated records that…
How to create an embedded Graphql query
0 I’m attempting to replicate an embedded self-referencing SQL query using GraphQl. The situation is that we have records in a database that are created off of other records by an internal user. The query I am trying to do is to get all of the records of a user and the associated records that…
Field true not found on type Site
1 I’m using EntityGraphQL with an asp.netcore app that uses Entity Framework This query works { sites(filter: "id==1") { id name isActive } } But this one fails with: "Field true not found on type Site" { sites(filter: "isActive==true") { id name isActive } } The documentation says I should be able to do that,…
HotChocolate v.13 [UseProjections] attribute does not work with DataLoaders
0 I have the following GrapqhQL query: query { listTenants { totalCount items { tenantId name sites { totalCount items { siteId cmxName cmxState hosts( order: { hostId: ASC } where: { hostName: { neq: "ans" } } skip: 4 take: 2 ) { totalCount items { hostId hostName siteId } } } } }…