Tag: sql-server
Cannot connect Hasura graphql with existing Microsoft SQL Server database
0 I am unable to connect hasura with already existing Microsoft SQL Server database. For testing purpose I have used a local Microsoft SQL Server database with: server name: (LocalDb)MSSQLLocalDB user_name: user password: pass I have used the hasura cloud for connecting the existing database. This is the database url: Driver={ODBC Driver 18 for SQL…
Invalid datetime format. […] The conversion of a nvarchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value
-1 Here is info about our technical development environment : • .NET 6 • C# 10 • Hasura GraphQL v2.6.2-pro.1 • Micrsoft SQL server 2019 • Visual Studio 2022 • "GraphQL" version="7.3.1" Proxy • "GraphQL.Client" version="5.1.1" Proxy • "GraphQL.Client.Serializer.Newtonsoft" version="5.1.1" Proxy I have application code that Converts integer-based Unix timestamp into a C# DateTimeOffset I…
Seeking Suggestions to Resolve FireDAC ODBC Error in Delphi Service Application
0 I’ve developed a service application in Delphi that handles GraphQL queries. The primary function of this application is to fetch data from a Microsoft SQL database and supply it to a Magento webshop. The application works as expected for the most part. However, I occasionally encounter the following error: [FireDAC][Phys][ODBC][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Connection is…
Hasura coversion of date time from date string
0 I have this select query as Native query in Hasura SELECT tblPhOrderSummary.Id as OrderId, tblPhOrderSummary.CreatedOn as OrderDate, tblItems.ItemCode as ItemCode, tblPhOrderProducts.ItemDescription, tblItems.ModelCode AS ModelCode, tblItems.Barcode AS Barcode, tblPhOrderProducts.LOT AS LOT, ” AS Batch, tblPhOrderProducts.Expiry AS Expiry, tblItems.SalesPrice AS UnitSalesPrice, tblPhOrderProducts.Instock AS InStock, tblPhOrderProducts.CurrentStock AS CurrentStock, tblPhOrderProducts.OrderQuantity AS OrderQuantity FROM tblPhOrderProducts INNER JOIN tblItems ON…