0 My code is correct, but I don’t know what’s happening, I need to upload it with graphQL but I can’t, my resolver code looks like this: `import { Resolver, Query, Mutation, Arg } from "type-graphql"; import { GraphQLUpload, FileUpload } from "graphql-upload-ts"; @Resolver() export class CategoryResolver { @Mutation(() => String) async uploadImage(@Arg("file", () => […]
-1 This very simple GraphQL Custom Scalar fails with the typescript error: TS2351: This expression is not constructable. Type ‘typeof import("…/graphql/node_modules/graphql/index")’ has no construct signatures. import GraphQLScalarType, { GraphQLInt } from ‘graphql’; export const CustomScalar = new GraphQLScalarType({ …GraphQLInt, name: "CustomScalar" }) what needs to be changed to get Typescript to compile it? typescript graphql […]
0 I have a .NET Core project in which I have implemented this GraphQL query. The query works correctly, but the sorting by date is not working. [UsePaging(MaxPageSize = 200, IncludeTotalCount = true)] [UseProjection] [UseFiltering] [UseSorting] public async Task<IQueryable<UserDto>> UserMetadatas(string myValue, [Service] ActivityEngineDataContext context,[Service] IMapper mapper) { var entities = context.Users.Where(act => act.MyValue== myValue); return […]
0 I’m using gatsby-plugin-mdx to create pages. But I want to create different kinds of pages based on the folder they are sourced from with gatsby-source-filesystem. I made the name different in the gatsby-source-filesystem config but I can’t seem to pass that along to the mdx node. Does anyone know of a way to do […]
1 I have a simple GraphQL query that I’m making out to a server, and trying to use GraphQL.Client.Serializer.Newtonsoft to deserialize it. I’m getting a response, but the response does not make the NewtonsoftJsonSerializer happy. It complains: This converter can only parse when the root element is a JSON Object. Okay, fair enough. The response […]
0 I have angular frontend application, we are fetching data with graphql queries using apollo client. We want to implements caching to fetch the data. Only first time we need to query the data and it should stored in cache , while calling the same next time the data should be returned from the cache. […]