Tag: subscription
How to make sure my graphql subscription api is working?
0 This is my subscription resolver in golang: func (r *subscriptionResolver) CreateChatWithBot(ctx context.Context, req model.CreateChatWithBotRequest) (<-chan *model.CreateChatWithBotResults, error) { ch := make(chan *model.CreateChatWithBotResults) testString := []string{"This", "part", "is", "under", "construction", "…", " Be", "patient", "please!"} go func() { defer close(ch) for _, v := range testString { select { case <-ctx.Done(): return case ch <-…
in my localhost subscription is running but on server it is not wroking , throwing above message
-1 { "message": "Failed to construct ‘WebSocket’: An insecure WebSocket connection may not be initiated from a page loaded over HTTPS." } in my localhost subscription is running but on server it is not wroking , throwing above message. i want to run on server … graphql subscription wss ws graphql-ws Share Follow asked 10…
websocket subscription server not working. unable to reach subscription server graphql-ws ws
2 i follow the [same documentation code][1] for creating subscription server using websocket graphql, put it doesn’t work with graphql-ws and ws the code worked when i removed the serverCleanup definition, and it also woks well for older subscription library "subscription-transport-ws" my index.js const { ApolloServer } = require(‘apollo-server-express’) const { ApolloServerPluginDrainHttpServer } = require(‘apollo-server-core’)…
How client sends close signal to graphql subscription server?
0 I’m working on a graphql server and there is one subscription API. This is the starter code I found on gqlgen documentation: // CurrentTime is the resolver for the currentTime field. func (r *subscriptionResolver) CurrentTime(ctx context.Context) (<-chan *model.Time, error) { // First you’ll need to `make()` your channel. Use your type here! ch :=…
React-native AWS amplify graphQl Subscription
0 In my react native project, I am using graphQl subscription with aws-amplify. The problem is it’s not getting notified/called when the backend sends a notification. The backend developer told me, that from their side notification is sending correctly. Now from the Front end side setup is also properly done because one other subscription is…
How do I implement GraphQL subscription in ASP.NET Core Web API using Graphql.net library?
0 I’m currently working with GraphQL version 7.6.1, graphql.server.transport.websockets version 4.4.1, and graphql.server.transport.aspnetcore version 7.6.0, and I’m struggling to find up-to-date documentation or examples for adding subscriptions to my ASP.NET Core Web API. I attempted to implement subscriptions based on older examples, but due to changes in syntax and other aspects, I’m encountering errors that…
How does the graphql-flutter cache update work when using subscriptions?
0 I am trying to build an app that uses GraphQL with the graphql-flutter package and with Blocs. I generated my graphql classes with the graphql_codegen package. In this app a list of events (the ‘History’) is shown. A few items are loaded, and after this ‘infinitive scroll’ will execute the ‘fetch more’ calls. The…
is it possible to have a single subscription waiting for data from multiple sources using graphql strawberry?
0 I am expecting to get data from multiple sources via single subscription if the data is not available in the source yield empty response, for certain number of retries @strawberry.type class DataFromSources: source_1 : JSON source_2 : JSON @strawberry.type class Subscription: @strawberry.subscription async def data_from_sources(self, target: int = 10) -> AsyncGenerator[DataFromSources, None]: source_1, source_2…
Nest JS: Object is possibly ‘undefined’ in GraphQL
0 I tried to make the subscription update course in the nest js, but it turns out error Object is possibly ‘undefined’ in this line of code const course = await this.courseService.findOne({ id: variables.courseId }); below is my course.resolver.ts @Subscription(‘courseUpdated’, { resolve: (value) => value, filter: async (payload, variables) => { const course = await…