
  • aiohttps: ValueError: Newline or carriage return character detected in HTTP status message or header. This is a potential security issue

    0 I am using gql to run a query against a GraphQL API. I get this error: File "<path to poetry venv>/lib/python3.10/site-packages/aiohttp/", line 129, in write_headers buf = _serialize_headers(status_line, headers) File "aiohttp/_http_writer.pyx", line 132, in aiohttp._http_writer._serialize_headers File "aiohttp/_http_writer.pyx", line 116, in aiohttp._http_writer._safe_header ValueError: Newline or carriage return character detected in HTTP status message or header. […]

  • Argument passed into graphql mutation is always undefined

    0 Learning graphql, cannot get mutation to work yet, get lost on the online examples. import express from ‘express’ import cors from ‘cors’ import { graphqlHTTP } from ‘express-graphql’ import { makeExecutableSchema } from ‘@graphql-tools/schema’ const app = express() const port = 4000 // In-memory data store const data = { warriors: [ { id: […]

  • How to form a GitHub GraphQL API query to compare between branches, e.g., compare MASTER and SAMPLE_12 to get all commits for potential Pull Request?

    0 Looking for a GraphQl query to search for a list of all commits when comparing between two branches on GitHub within a repository. For example,…development will render all the commits, if any. How to get the list of all commits when comparing between two branches using the GitHub GraphQL API? I tried query […]

  • AppSync subscriptions with ApolloClient in React

    8 I’m currently using ApolloClient to connect to an AppSync GraphQL API. It all works perfectly for queries and mutations, but I’m having some trouble getting subscriptions to work. I’ve followed the Apollo docs and my App.js looks like this: import React from ‘react’; import ‘./App.css’; import { ApolloClient } from ‘apollo-client’; import { ApolloProvider […]

  • Get info about several repositories from Github Graphql API in a single call

    6 I am trying to create a query to Github GraphQL API that receive a list of repos as a parameter, and returns the info of those repositories in a single API call, does anyone know how to do that? Something like this (I know this doesn’t work) query myOrgRepos($repos: [String!]!) { search(query:””” repo in […]

  • Spring GraphQL return NULL

    1 I want to create my own website in the form of a blog using Spring Boot and GraphQL API, but I don’t understand how to connect the database to GraphQL. When making a request through /graphiql, it returns NULL. I would appreciate any help and advice. I am using PHPMAdmin as database interface. Leave […]

  • How to do a simple join in GraphQL?

    30 I am very new in GraphQL and trying to do a simple join query. My sample tables look like below: { phones: [ { id: 1, brand: ‘b1’, model: ‘Galaxy S9 Plus’, price: 1000, }, { id: 2, brand: ‘b2’, model: ‘OnePlus 6’, price: 900, }, ], brands: [ { id: ‘b1’, name: ‘Samsung’ […]

  • Correctly coerce “unknown” GraphQL response into type

    0 I am using the graphql-request library to fetch data froma GraphQL endpoint. The endpoint returns some information about a user, based on a certain token associated to that user. Here is the type I’ve defined: export type PlayerInfo = { country: string, name: string|undefined, email: string, id: string, } Here are the two approaches […]

  • Need to create checkout session GraphQL + Django

    0 I need to create a session for Stripe Checkout. According to Stripe Checkout Docs: Add an endpoint on your server that creates a Checkout Session. A Checkout Session controls what your customer sees in the Stripe-hosted payment page such as line items, the order amount and currency, and acceptable payment methods. Return the Checkout […]

  • Android Studio Gradle Version Error On Apollo

    0 Hello i want to use this "" star wars api, but when i want to download scheme from terminal i take this error. Here my gradle app module; plugins { id("") id("") id("com.apollographql.apollo3") version "3.8.2" id("") kotlin("kapt") id("androidx.navigation.safeargs.kotlin") } apollo { service("service") { packageName.set("com.softcross.starwars") } } android { namespace = "com.softcross.starwars" compileSdk = 34 […]