2 I have an Apollo GraphQL projects where I have created my own Query and Mutations. I have done using mock data and Query and Mutation works fine. But when I am trying to do with Sequelize ORM, I am getting the error "TypeError: Cannot read property ‘getListings’ of undefined", " at listings (/home/ayman/Desktop/apollo-graphql/graphql-app/functions/graphql.js:50:19)", " […]
0 I’m trying to set up a web app using react.js hosted by amplify on AWS, which I will need to store user preferences of certain categories in a dynamoDB table. Users must authenticate with Cognito before being able to view/interact with their preferences. I have been having a hard time trying to connect to […]
4 graphql_flutter return LazyCacheMap, built_value deserializeWith JSON String, how to make them work together. I use graphql_flutter to fetch data, and response give the result data as LazyCacheMap. And using built_value for data model & data serialization, but since deserializeWith working with JSON String. What’s the best way to work with them together ? Should […]
0 I am using hasura cloud environment. For MySQL database, I am using MySQL workbench and created a database. I want to use this database in hasura environment. MySQL server is up and running on the port 3306. My JDBC Connection string is: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/employees?user=admin&password=password@123 After connecting, I got this error [ { "definition": "employees", "message": […]
0 I am implementing a graphql api subgraph using Mercuriusjs, @mercurius/federation and typescript by following their doc. But always getting error Here are some parts of my code. server.ts const app = Fastify(); const PORT = 4001; const buildContext = async (req: FastifyRequest, _reply: FastifyReply) => { return { authorization: req.headers.authorization, }; }; type PromiseType<T> […]
0 I’ve been looking into using a DataLoader in Django to optimise Graphene resolvers. I have been having trouble finding a working example of this as it requires multi threading. Based on what I can tell, there is no longer a way to specify executors in the latest versions of GraphQL in python. Does anyone […]
0 I am just trying out DVGA (https://github.com/dolevf/Damn-Vulnerable-GraphQL-Application) and I hosted the app on a EC2 and open port 5013 docker run -d -t -p 5013:5013 -e WEB_HOST= –name dvga dvga I understand DVGA enabled introspection by default and $ec2HOST:5013 is accessible from my browser. However, from apollo studio, URL $ec2HOST:5013/graphql is not accessible. why? […]
-1 I am trying to create an offsite shopify payment app. Overall the authentication on GraphQL requests seems kinda confusing to me. Should there be any authentication token for graphQL request like PaymentSessionResolve. This question might not be appropriate for stackoverflow but I am kinda stuck. javascript node.js graphql shopify shopify-app Share Follow asked 1 […]
10 class Base { public: class FirstBase { friend class Base; int x = 10; }; class SecondBase : public FirstBase { public: SecondBase() : FirstBase() {} void t() { std::cout << FirstBase::x; } }; }; This code compiles and works, but I don’t understand why it works. Can explain or cite sources to read? […]