0 Schema type Query { launches: [Launch] } type Launch { id: String! mission_name: String } Interface export interface launch { launches: Launch[]; } export interface Launch { id: string; mission_name: string; } Service file async getlaunches(): Promise<any> { console.log(JSON.stringify(this.launchEndpoint)); this.logger.info(‘Demonstrate masking of logged data:’); return await this.apiClient.post(this.launchEndpoint, { query: ‘{ launches { id, mission_name […]
7 I am learning C++ and my goal is to have a table beautifully displayed in console. I tried using std::left and std::right I/O manipulators, but now that I look at my code I cannot figure out what exactly these things are and what kind of mechanism they employ. So far, every function call required […]
7 Consider this union: typedef union { void* vptr; nullptr_t nptr; } pun_intended; nullptr_t is supposedly compatible with void*. Ok so what if we initialize the void* to some non-zero value? pun_intended foo = { .vptr = (void*)42 }; This conversion is supposedly legit (impl.defined) as per C23 §4, or at least it was […]
0 I am creating a react app using amplify and graphql my graphql schema is type Note @model @auth(rules: [ { allow: public } ] ){ id: ID! name: String! description: String image: String noteBook: NoteBook! } type NoteBook @model @auth(rules: [ { allow: public } ] ){ id: ID! name: String! notes: [Note!] } […]
0 I tried to install codegen in react application using the below comment npm install –save-dev @graphql-codegen/cli @graphql-codegen/typescript @graphql-codegen/typescript-operations @graphql-codegen/typescript-react-apollo and i got the below error yarn add v1.22.19 [1/4] 🔍 Resolving packages… [2/4] 🚚 Fetching packages… error [email protected]: The platform "darwin" is incompatible with this module. error Found incompatible module. info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/add for […]
3 I am using from the below sample, but it gets me an error when I add libraries: Using the Apollo GraphQL client for Android Below is my build.gradle file (project): // Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules. buildscript { repositories { jcenter() maven { url "https://jitpack.io" } […]
0 I have a GraphQL query query testQuery { books { title isbn publisher metadata { propertyA propertyB propertyC } } } In the GraphQL schema, metadata is an optional field. The other three are required, and all of them are string. My question: I only want to filter items where the metadata is null […]
1 I am trying to replicate the idea of "traits" from PHP into TypeGraphQL types. However, between abstract classes and mixins, I got a bit lost and can’t figure out what even to google…. I would like to have a bunch of traits that I can add to my types to reduce the amount of […]
3 We are trying to implement Relay node query with Apollo federation. Since Apollo is not aware of Relay, we have to implement the node query in some service (Node Resolution Service) interface Node { id: ID! } type Query { node(id: ID!): Node! } The trouble is that the Node resolution service is not […]
0 I have an expo app that is using a graphql api endpoint. I am attempting to pass an authorization token with each request, but my set up does not seems to be setting or sending my authorization header. In my graphql.config.yml I can set the authorization header here like this and it works: schema: […]