Tag: federation
Any other GraphQL Federation implementations apart from Apollo?
1 I have been trying to build a federation gateway on top of existing graphql services and am curious if there are any other implementations of the same apart from apollo federation? I tried to find but couldn’t find any. I am also looking for subscription on the federated gateway. Does anybody know any other…
Mercurius-codegen error Cannot find name ‘_Service
0 I am implementing a graphql api subgraph using Mercuriusjs, @mercurius/federation and typescript by following their doc. But always getting error Here are some parts of my code. server.ts const app = Fastify(); const PORT = 4001; const buildContext = async (req: FastifyRequest, _reply: FastifyReply) => { return { authorization: req.headers.authorization, }; }; type PromiseType<T>…