Tag: amazon-ec2

  • Hot Chocolate, AWS EC2 docker instance

    Hot Chocolate, AWS EC2 docker instance

    0 i have deployed asp.net in docker on ec2 instance ECS, with load balancer controller weatherforecast working corectly hotchocolate graphql UI doesnt work on aws, on localhost docker works fine. I test on postman, and works fine, schema fetched. Can you help with aws settings, for graphql working My actual program.cs builder.Services.AddGraphQLServer().AddQueryType<GraphQls>(); builder.Services.AddCors( options =>…

  • DVGA not accessible from apollo studio?

    DVGA not accessible from apollo studio?

    0 I am just trying out DVGA (https://github.com/dolevf/Damn-Vulnerable-GraphQL-Application) and I hosted the app on a EC2 and open port 5013 docker run -d -t -p 5013:5013 -e WEB_HOST= –name dvga dvga I understand DVGA enabled introspection by default and $ec2HOST:5013 is accessible from my browser. However, from apollo studio, URL $ec2HOST:5013/graphql is not accessible. why?…