1 I am trying to consume a GraphQL endpoint (autogenerated from a headless WordPress project) which is served over XAMPP Apache localhost server, but when I hit the endpoint with suggested from the GraphQL settings in WordPress (https://localhost/does-pizza/graphql) I get back a 404 URL not found. Some details that could be useful to anybody trying […]
0 I am trying to bundle my graphql server using esbuild. The problem Im having is when everything is bundled together graphql-tools cant find resolvers and typeDefs due to the file running in a diffrent directory meaning a diffrent __dirname. My schema.js file: import { makeExecutableSchema } from ‘@graphql-tools/schema’; import { loadFilesSync } from ‘@graphql-tools/load-files’; […]
0 I am trying to build a GraphQL project with tsc but am unable to solve an issue I have referenced this issue. However, when I run npm run build and npm run start the error states that Error: Cannot find module ‘./DomainOne/schema.graphql’ This is because in the dist folder, the dist/GraphQL/index.js still has imports […]
0 This might be a dumb questions, with me being a novice getting starting with the whole reactive programming methodology. Task: But I’m working on developing a Spring Boot Netflix DGS based GraphQL API Implementation: So I am using the standard netflix platform dgs libraries and scalars and all that, and in addition i just […]
1 I’m following the GraphQL documentation for `productCreate but I can’t figure out how to add multiple variants when creating a product. I’m using the following mutation: mutation productCreate($input: ProductInput!) { productCreate(input: $input) { userErrors { field message } shop { id } product { title handle variants { edges { node { title } […]
0 I have a very simple question that I can’t find the answer to anywhere on the internet. I’m using the Graphql Yoga framework together with the bun runtime. On their website there is the following example: import { createSchema, createYoga } from ‘graphql-yoga’ const yoga = createYoga({ schema: createSchema({ typeDefs: /* GraphQL */ ` […]
-2 I want to know what is the procedure to install enterprise of apollo graphql into the project after buying it. I found these instructions after searching in bingAI chat After purchasing the Enterprise version of Apollo GraphQL, you can follow these steps to install it in your project: Visit the Apollo GraphQL website and […]
6 In C++23, the [[assume(expression)]] attribute makes it so that if expression is false, the behavior is undefined. For example: int div(int x, int y) { [[assume(y == 1)]]; return x / y; } This compiles to the same code as if y was always 1. div(int, int): mov eax, edi ret However, what happens […]
4 i have an application based on api-platform with secured route using JWT (and the LexikJWTBundle). With the Swagger interface it’s easy to call secured route providing a valid bearer. But with GraphiQL i don’t see anything about security so when a call a secured route it fails. Any idea ? or shall we prevent […]
0 I’m creating a proof of concept with a GraphQL ASP.NET API and Hot Chocolate / BananaCakePop for web-based querying by local developers. It is just the most basic API at present with a single query point. I have the app running fine locally in VS but am having problems when I try to Dockerize […]