Procedure to install enterprise version of apollo graphql

Procedure to install enterprise version of apollo graphql


I want to know what is the procedure to install enterprise of apollo graphql into the project after buying it.

I found these instructions after searching in bingAI chat
After purchasing the Enterprise version of Apollo GraphQL, you can follow these steps to install it in your project:

  1. Visit the Apollo GraphQL website and sign in to your account.
  2. Download the latest version of Apollo Server for your platform.
  3. Extract the downloaded archive to a directory of your choice.
  4. Open a command prompt or terminal window and navigate to the directory where you extracted the archive.
  5. Run the following command to install the required dependencies: npm install.
  6. Define your GraphQL schema in a file named schema.js or schema.ts depending on whether you are using JavaScript or TypeScript.
  7. Import the required modules and define your Apollo Server instance in a file named server.js or server.ts.
  8. Start your server by running the following command: node server.js or node server.ts

but then again instructions are changing each time I refresh and search same question.
Can you tell what is actual procedure

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  • Did you try the above? It gives you two version of the JS files, one if you use typescript (.ts) and one for plain js

    – mplungjan

    23 mins ago

  • Also you have direct support

    – mplungjan

    21 mins ago

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