0 Suppose I have below query method defined, Lets say getAllBooks returns 10 books, now if we query for price too, price method will be called multiple times (10 times in this case). How can I batch the call to price method. @GraphQLQuery(name = "getAllBooks", description = "Get all books") public List<Book> getAllBooks() { return […]
0 I have the following code, the values and change when another Dialog is completed and it will trigger useEffect to refetch data from the server but the Material-UI TextField select still only shows the old values (new value is not being shown). import { Button, Dialog, DialogActions, DialogContent, DialogTitle, MenuItem, } from ‘@mui/material’; import […]
0 So i’m new to shopify dev app , and i just installed a project in which i’m learning how to use the Remix framework . let me explain to you what i’m trying to achieve : 1 – i’m creating a shopify app , in which when a person has a shopify store and […]
0 I’m using @nestjs/graphql to build graphql API. I have the following object @ObjectType(‘Round’) export class RoundDto { @Field(() => GraphQLInt) round: number; @Field(() => [[GraphQLString]]) teams: Nullable<[string, string]>[]; } How Can I declare the teams field to return mixed values of string and null? Do I need to write own scalar for it? I’m […]
0 I am trying to build an app that uses GraphQL with the graphql-flutter package and with Blocs. I generated my graphql classes with the graphql_codegen package. In this app a list of events (the ‘History’) is shown. A few items are loaded, and after this ‘infinitive scroll’ will execute the ‘fetch more’ calls. The […]
0 I have a nextjs app using typescript and a Strapi backend with graphql I’m trying to simple get the graphql from strapi and display it in the react app. I’m trying to display a list of font names. In react I have this query, this works in the playground import { gql } from […]
0 I’m working on a GraphQL API using TypeORM as the ORM to interact with my PostgreSQL database. I’m currently facing an issue when trying to fetch products along with their associated images using GraphQL queries. I have two tables: products and images. Each product can have multiple images associated with it. The images table […]
0 How can I make my apollo router make GET requests to subgraph instead of POST. Based on my benchmark, GET outperforms POST. But it only happen between client & the router. I want to improve the network performance by making GET requests from router to subgraph instead of POST. federation_version: =2.0.1 subgraphs: product: method: […]
0 message.module.ts: import { Module, forwardRef } from ‘@nestjs/common’; import { MessageResolver } from ‘./message.resolver’; import { MessageService } from ‘./message.service’; import { MongooseModule } from ‘@nestjs/mongoose’; import { Message, MessageSchema } from ‘./models/message.model’; import { UserModule } from ‘src/user/user.module’; import { GroupModule } from ‘src/group/group.module’; import { PubSub } from ‘graphql-subscriptions’; @Module({ imports: [ […]