0 I have this entitys for user #[UniqueEntity(fields: [’email’], message: ’email is exists’)] #[ORMEntity] #[ORMTable(name: ‘user’)] #[ApiPlatformApiResource( operations: [], graphQlOperations: [ new ApiPlatformGraphQlQuery(), new ApiPlatformGraphQlMutation( name: ‘create’, denormalizationContext: [‘groups’ => [‘request:create’, ‘shopping:create’]], ), ] )] class User { #[ORMId] #[ORMGeneratedValue(strategy: ‘AUTO’)] #[ORMColumn(type: ‘integer’)] #[SerializerExpose] protected $id; #[AssertEmail(message: ’email not valid’)] #[ORMColumn(type: ‘string’, unique: true, length: […]
1 So I’m new into GraphQL and i got stuff running by manually setup a schemaparser and datafetchers. But I want to refactor and try out by implementing GraphQLQueryResolver to a class and controll my queries from there. I get it to work by making a new project, but with the same dependencies and should […]
0 I’m working on a simple GraphQL query that allows me to fetch a list of users. I want to be able to sort them through my request. I’m using Prisma as an ORM. As per the documentation, my service simply looks like this: /** * Find all users */ findAll({ skip, take, cursor, where, […]
0 I wanted to create a union named Tables, that holds all the other tables and the user can request the table accordingly. I get the error: You have asked for named object type ‘Tables’, but it’s not an object type but rather a ‘graphql.schema.GraohQLUnionType’ Here is my graphql schema: type Query{ getData: [Tables] } […]
0 Right now when I send a request with multiple collections, the browser chrome shows me a 504 timeout ‘cos it has taken more than 60 seconds. The client has asked me to display a new message to the user when this issue happens. I’m a bit lost as this is the first time that […]
0 MATCH (t1:Tel{TB:true})<-[:TelBIZ]-(:ACC{TB:true})- [or:REBIZ{movOre:t1.nuTel}]->(:ACC{TB:true})-[:TelBIZ]->(t2:Tel{TB:true,nuTel:or.movBene}) WHERE t1.nuTel<>t2.nuTel RETURN t1,t2,COUNT(or) AS Ope,SUM(or.imp) AS Total, 10^3 as precision,max(or.Txt) as mRB I am trying to run this query to return few values.but I find the query is not optimised. kindly suggest me how can I make it optimized code in neo4j 3.5v I am expecting a better optimized query […]
0 I am using @apollo/client v3. I want to get loading state when requests will happen from polling but it is not working as I expect. This is my query const { data, loading } = useQuery(SOME_QUERY, { variables: { variable: "value", }, 10000 //poll interval }); I wrote useEffect to catch if it is […]
-1 I am currently working on a project in which GraphQL is being implemented for the first time and initially I only had to run GraphQL mutations within the component(using Apollo-client and it’s hook – useMutation) that I was working on and all was well. Now, I am trying to have the mutation in the […]
8 Basically what I’m trying to achieve is send info to the server without quotations e.g Admin instead of “Admin”, but as we all know Graphql will throw an error is the variable is not defined or is not in quotations. javascript react-native enums graphql Share Improve this question Follow asked May 2, 2018 at […]
1 I’m using nestjs-query, and I have an entity (TodoItem). I would like to generate 2 resolvers/queries to fetch many todos: A cursor paginated one An offset paginated one. This is what I did: resolvers: [ { DTOClass: TodoItemDTO, EntityClass: TodoItemEntity, create: { disabled: true }, update: { disabled: true }, delete: { disabled: true […]