Tag: cypher

  • Optimization of a Match statement

    Optimization of a Match statement

    0 MATCH (t1:Tel{TB:true})<-[:TelBIZ]-(:ACC{TB:true})- [or:REBIZ{movOre:t1.nuTel}]->(:ACC{TB:true})-[:TelBIZ]->(t2:Tel{TB:true,nuTel:or.movBene}) WHERE t1.nuTel<>t2.nuTel RETURN t1,t2,COUNT(or) AS Ope,SUM(or.imp) AS Total, 10^3 as precision,max(or.Txt) as mRB I am trying to run this query to return few values.but I find the query is not optimised. kindly suggest me how can I make it optimized code in neo4j 3.5v I am expecting a better optimized query…