Tag: neo4j
Optimization of a Match statement
0 MATCH (t1:Tel{TB:true})<-[:TelBIZ]-(:ACC{TB:true})- [or:REBIZ{movOre:t1.nuTel}]->(:ACC{TB:true})-[:TelBIZ]->(t2:Tel{TB:true,nuTel:or.movBene}) WHERE t1.nuTel<>t2.nuTel RETURN t1,t2,COUNT(or) AS Ope,SUM(or.imp) AS Total, 10^3 as precision,max(or.Txt) as mRB I am trying to run this query to return few values.but I find the query is not optimised. kindly suggest me how can I make it optimized code in neo4j 3.5v I am expecting a better optimized query…
Modify multi query arguments in graphQL-JS
0 I am building an app using graphQL, neo4j and Apollo client and running into issue with multi-query. I want to implicitly apply argument to multi-query on server side when user pass payload without arg. For example: query { books(where: { cust_id: "1"}) { name } posts { description } cars { type } }…
How to connect to AuraDB from a Gatsby-based pages
0 I’m building a website with Gatsby. It will be fully static. I use a Neo4J base hosted (aka an AuraDB free instance) to store data needed for the website. I’m trying to get things working together but I end up with a 403 when trying to get some data from the DB. Beginning of…
GraphQL Neo4J query that filters by date doesn’t return any data when it should
0 I’ve been trying to get my head around this issue for a couple of days but I seem to be unable to find a solution. I’m working on a GraphQL backend that uses Apollo and Neo4j. I’ve got a type similar to this one: type Data { ID: ID! @id(autogenerate: true, unique: true) data:…
Writing a GraphQL model that programmatically retrieves relevant Neo4j constraints
0 I am a seasoned Neo4j user who is new to GraphQL. I have inherited a codebase that explicitly models all Neo4j nodes and relationships as GraphQL objects. I would like to allow GraphQL users to determine what uniqueness constraints, if any, affect any given object. For an individual object, I believe I can deliver…
expecting ‘close_unescaped’ in graphql query
0 mycolllection(where:{wasAmycollectionGivenBy_SINGLE:{id:{{{entityID}}}}}) { I tried: {{entityID}} I tried: "{{{entityID}}}" I tried: {entityID} I tried: {entityID} I am getting error [myCollectionAPI] Failed to get the mycollection info F27379A9-FEC8-4BF9-AD37-C2701296B143 : {"status":500,"message":"Parse error on line 2:n…NGLE:{id:{{{entityID}}}}}) {r totalCoun———————–^nExpecting ‘CLOSE_UNESCAPED’, ‘OPEN_SEXPR’, ‘ID’, ‘STRING’, ‘NUMBER’, ‘BOOLEAN’, ‘UNDEFINED’, ‘NULL’, ‘DATA’, got ‘CLOSE_RAW_BLOCK’","errors":["Error: Parse error on line 2:n…NGLE:{id:{{{entityID}}}}}) {r totalCoun———————–^nExpecting ‘CLOSE_UNESCAPED’, ‘OPEN_SEXPR’,…