0 GraphQLSchema object will be used to process graphQL request. This object can be generated once and could be reused multiple times until any meta changes occurs. But my question is how can I cache this object directly in my JVM, since its size is huge (around 17MB 😳). According to my application, I need […]
0 I am new to github graphQL API and I have been scrambling for a solution to the following problem, using github Entreprise Cloud: I have a repo "myRepo" containing an issue "myIssue" issue "myIssue" is added to a projectV2 "myProject", which is defined at organization level (not in a repo) project "myProject" contains a […]
0 We are kind of experimenting with synthetic GraphQL in Azure APIM, using resolver policies. Up until now everything was working fine, but we want to introduce unions and so far no matter what and how we tried, we couldn’t make the resolver work. Unfortunately we could find no usable documentation or tutorial/posts/etc on the […]
-1 I am using Apollo Client 3 and GraphQL Codegen. I have the following query: query Page($path: String!) { page(path: $path) { id content { …on PageOne { id description } …on PageTwo { id title } } } } My codegen config file: // codegen.ts import type { CodegenConfig } from ‘@graphql-codegen/cli’; const config: […]
0 I need to add headers to my graphql requests with angular, but I didn’t find any way. Headers is added when I use query but not mutate. Also, mutate will works if I didn’t add headers. Here is my code: import { APP_INITIALIZER, NgModule } from ‘@angular/core’; import { AppComponent } from ‘./app.component’; import […]
-2 Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 1 hour ago. Improve this question We get "Failed to fetch" error when […]
11 I am attempting to use the Apollo GraphQL Client for React Native. However, in some parts of my app I need to do a mutation on the GraphQL data, in such a way that the interface should not be exposed to the user. For instance, on my sign up page, I want to create […]
0 I’m querying the xExchange’s GraphQL API, but when I’m requesting the price of an LP token the field price is 0 (but it shouldn’t). Does anyone know how to fetch the price of an LP token through this API? Here is the query I’m doing: query { pairs(firstTokenID: "BUSD-40b57e") { liquidityPoolToken { identifier, price […]
11 C23 introduced new semantics in function declarators: Function declarators […] 13 For a function declarator without a parameter type list: the effect is as if it were declared with a parameter type list consisting of the keyword void. A function declarator provides a prototype for the function. This seems to imply that a function […]
0 I am trying to fetch collections (paginated) from my shopify store using graphql query, i have written this route: async function (req: CustomRequest, res: Response) { const shopUrl: string = req.shopUrl || “”; const accessToken: string = req.accessToken || “”; let { count, after }: any = req.query; const params = new URLSearchParams(); if(!count){ […]