
  • Best practices for GraphQL in general

    0 What are best practices for designing and implementing GraphQL APIs, considering aspects such as schema design, query optimization, error handling, and security? How certain practices contribute to improved performance, maintainability, and overall efficiency in GraphQL development. For example, how you would structure your schema to handle nested queries efficiently. Also what are security concerns […]

  • prevent a trait function from being implemented by other struct

    9 I just build a trait Bar with 2 functions (alpha() with implementation and beta() with only interfaces), and I hope the struct who implement Bar implements only beta(), and never implement their own alpha(). Is there any way to prevent another struct from implementing their own alpha()? trait Bar { fn alpha(&self) { println!("you […]

  • AWS CDK newly added data delay issue to display

    0 I am facing data delay issue in my application. When I add new data it take to much time to display on live site but working fine when I attach live database with my local code. CDK usually take 5 to 20 mints to respond but in my case it taking hours and some […]

  • How to use graphql with

    0 I have an endpoint https://localhost:1337/graphql where i query a lot of things from strapi but i am trying to use (tsx) as. my framework, there are no latest tutorials as to how to integrate the graphql endpoint to the remix loaders so that i can query directly from the graphql endpoint. export async […]

  • Why does this AWS AppSync GraphQL query not work?

    0 I am trying to create a appsync resolver to query an aurora-postgresql database. I have created a Movie table and have the following mutations(postMovie) and Queries(listMovies, getMoviesByName, singleMovie). The mutation works just fine and so does the listMovies query but the getMoviesByName and singleMovie(retrieves a movie by id) is not working. The error with […]

  • axios error code 499 for chrome extension

    0 i’m using axios to send some queries to leetcode to access their graphql API. I’m using a chrome extension that reads the necessary cookie credentials so that i can use it as auth for the API. however, I’m getting Request failed with status code 499 errors as a response. my query and cookies work […]

  • @graphql-codegen/typescript-react-query not generating object format for useQuery

    -1 I am using @graphql-codegen/typescript-react-query to generate typescript from my graphql schema. these are my @graphql-codegen dependencies "@graphql-codegen/cli": "^5.0.0", "@graphql-codegen/typescript": "^4.0.1", "@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations": "^4.0.1", "@graphql-codegen/typescript-react-query": "^6.0.0", "@graphql-eslint/eslt-plugin": "^3.19.1", my generation configuration is: "schema.ts": { plugins: [ "typescript", "typescript-operations", "typescript-react-query" ], config: { enumValues: enumValues, exposeDocument: true, exposeQueryKeys: true, exposeMutationKeys: true, exposeFetcher: true, addInfiniteQuery: true } } […]

  • How do I use web socket inside a graphql mutation using and expressGraphQL?

    0 `I have been trying to emit an event to a specific user using when a specific mutation is called I tried to use this on my main server file: const graphqlMiddleware = expressGraphQL((req, res) => ({ schema, graphiql: __DEV__, rootValue: { request: req, response: res, }, pretty: __DEV__, })); app.use("/graphql", graphqlMiddleware); let server […]

  • Variables of required type not provided despited their validity

    2 I’m getting a GraphQL error I can’t seem to pinpoint the source of. Variable “$title” of required type “String!” was not provided. Variable “$body” of required type “String!” was not provided. Variable “$price” of required type “Int!” was not provided. The error message is simple. There are three required variables for this mutation and […]

  • Query new field in GraphQL in backward compatible manner

    0 So there is this new field added to the server API that the client wants to use. But the client also still needs to work with the older installs of the server that don’t define that field yet. Unfortunately when I just include the field, I get error that the field does not exist […]