Why does this AWS AppSync GraphQL query not work?

Why does this AWS AppSync GraphQL query not work?


I am trying to create a appsync resolver to query an aurora-postgresql database. I have created a Movie table and have the following mutations(postMovie) and Queries(listMovies, getMoviesByName, singleMovie). The mutation works just fine and so does the listMovies query but the getMoviesByName and singleMovie(retrieves a movie by id) is not working. The error with getMoviesByName is Error invoking method 'get(java.lang.Integer)' in java.util.ArrayList at velocity[line 4, column 51] and the error with singleMovie is RDSHttp:{"message":"ERROR: operator does not exist: integer = character varying\n Hint: No operator matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.\n Position: 30; SQLState: 42883"}. I believe the issue is with the response template but I am not sure and new to appsync graphql. I created all these resources in Terraform. Please see the screenshots of the resources below.

Why does this AWS AppSync GraphQL query not work?

Why does this AWS AppSync GraphQL query not work?

Why does this AWS AppSync GraphQL query not work?

Why does this AWS AppSync GraphQL query not work?

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