0 I have two graphql schemas that we can say one as admin and one as internal and i need to map each with a separate graphql endpoint as:- Schema – admin.graphqls, internal.graphqls /graphql/admin and /graphql/internal however the exposed configuration property we have in spring-boot-starter-graphql is a string so possible only one endpoint can be […]
0 Using below requests returns 429 status code, but when same request is used in curl, and by using Python http.client library, i get 200 status code and data. What can be issue where requests gives 429 but I get data through other clients and in curl url="www.xyz.co.in/graphql", headers={ "User-Agent": "CFNetwork/1485 Darwin/23.1.0", "Client-Info": "ios.com.expedia.booking,2023.45,external", "Content-Type": […]
0 I am using graphql in laravel project every thing work fine at localhost but when i deploy to server namecheap i faced this problime Target class [AppGraphQlTypesAdminCitiesType] does not exist. "exception": "IlluminateContractsContainerBindingResolutionException", I am using Postman for request to graphql this is my type <?php namespace AppGraphQlTypesAdmin; use AppModelsCities; use GraphQLTypeDefinitionType; use RebingGraphQLSupportType as […]
0 thank you for your time, my problem is that i want to return the data to the client immediately after subscribing. I know about the onConnect method, but it is called before JwtAuthGuard. What is the best way to do this? I was thinking of moving the authorization logic to onConnect. To better understand […]
2 I’ve built a Nestjs app with Prisma and GQL. I just changed computer (from a Mac to PC) and all of a sudden my login mutation seems to have stopped working, literally the only one… Here is some code: auth.resolver.ts: @Mutation((returns) => AuthenticatedUser) async login( @Context() { res }: Auth.GqlContext, @Args(‘payload’, { type: () […]
0 My API is written with TypeScript/Apollo and I am able to run queries/mutations on https://localhost:4000/graphql. My front-end is with Next.js and Apollo client. I use GraphQL Codegenerator to generate the client-side code I need. I am using: "@graphql-codegen/cli": "1.20.1", "@graphql-codegen/typescript": "1.20.2", "@graphql-codegen/typescript-operations": "1.17.14", "@graphql-codegen/typescript-react-apollo": "2.2.1", and my codegen.yml file is overwrite: true schema: "https://localhost:4000/graphql" […]
0 I have an input class that has a single property with "object" object type as shown below: public class FilterParameterValue { public object Value = new object(); } When I start the server, I get the following error: HotChocolate.SchemaException: ‘For more details look at the Errors property. InputObject FilterParameterValueInput has no fields declared. (HotChocolate.Types.InputObjectType<Data.Filter.FilterParameterValue>) […]
0 I have nextjs-nodejs project, where I use apollo-graphql and Prisma, so when I create a user, I should send a session to "getSession" function, which is a mutation, and this mutation uses express-session to save the user info like that: getSession: async ( _: any, args: any, { prisma, session }: GraphqlContext ) => […]
0 I have a simple react app like const [shoe, setShoe] = useState(”) formSubmit = () => { e.preventDefault() const { data } = useQuery<GetShoeDetailsQuery,GetShoeDetailsQueryVariables>(getShoeDetailsQuery, { variables: { name: String(shoe), }, }) console.log(data) } <form onSubmit={formSubmit}> <input type="text" onChange: (e: { target: { value: SetStateAction<string> } }) => { setShoe(e.target.value) }, > <button></button> </form> so […]
0 So I’m trying to figure out how to tell EfCore when to apply an include to an IQueryable object based on whether the GraphQl request from the client actually includes the related object. Example: 2 Classes: Person, Payment Theses are kept in 2 different tables and related Person -> Payment in a one to […]