I’m building a website with Gatsby. It will be fully static.
I use a Neo4J base hosted (aka an AuraDB free instance) to store data needed for the website.
I’m trying to get things working together but I end up with a 403 when trying to get some data from the DB.
Beginning of my gatsby-node.js
const neo4j = require('neo4j-driver');
const neo4jUri = 'neo4j+s://myurl.io';
const neo4jUser = 'myneo4juser';
const neo4jPassword = 'mypassword';
const driver = neo4j.driver(neo4jUri,
neo4j.auth.basic(neo4jUser, neo4jPassword));
const session = driver.session();
.run('MATCH (n:Node) RETURN n')
.then((result) => {
result.records.forEach((record) => {
const nodeData = record.get('n').properties;
console.log("DEALING WITH A NODE");
const node = {
// Define required fields such as id, parent, children, etc.
id: `${nodeData.id}`,
parent: null,
children: [],
internal: {
type: 'Neo4jNodeTEST', // Define your node type
content: JSON.stringify(nodeData),
contentDigest: createContentDigest(nodeData),
// Create the Gatsby node
.catch((error) => {
console.error('Error executing Neo4j query', error);
.finally(() => {
console.log('closing neo4j session');
And the plugin part of gatsby-config.js if it’s helping
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
options: {
path: `${__dirname}/content/`,
resolve: "gatsby-source-graphql",
options: {
// Arbitrary name for the remote schema Query type
typeName: "allCompanyRepoYaml",
// Field under which the remote schema will be accessible. You'll use this in your Gatsby query
fieldName: "edges",
// Url to query from
url: "https://api.neo4j.io",
Any idea on when I should investigate to make things work?