GraphQL Neo4J query that filters by date doesn’t return any data when it should

GraphQL Neo4J query that filters by date doesn’t return any data when it should


I’ve been trying to get my head around this issue for a couple of days but I seem to be unable to find a solution.

I’m working on a GraphQL backend that uses Apollo and Neo4j. I’ve got a type similar to this one:

type Data {
  ID: ID! @id(autogenerate: true, unique: true)
  data: String!
  createdAt: DateTime! @timestamp(operations: [CREATE])

The schema is being generated with:

const neo4jGraphQL = new Neo4jGraphQL({
  typeDefs, // Loaded from a file with the defs, this works fine as most queries are working as expected

If I query Data (even with a where, as my real type definition has more fields than the ones above) it correctly returns a list of Data. If I copy the createdAt value from any entry and make this query then no entries are retrieved:

query Data($where: DataWhere) {
  data(where: $where) {

// Variables (JSON):

  "where": {
    "createdAt": "2012-04-03T10:63:10Z"

Any idea on why could this be? There are other date filtering where conditions available such as createdAt_gt but none related to dates seem to work (every time I run a query the list of Data retrieved is empty), any filtering by other fields (for example ID) seems to work perfectly.

Thanks in advance!

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