Tag: apollo-gateway
Error from a non-sharable field defined in a subgraph that shoudn’t have this field
1 I have multiple GraphQL microservices (subgraphs, using ApolloFederationDriver) with a GraphQL gateway (using ApolloGatewayDriver) I have a really strange bug since I’ve upgraded my GraphQL microservices and gateway to use @apollo/server (@nestjs/graphql@11 + @nestjs/apollo@11) : I have an error when my subgraphs are composed telling me that subgraph A has a non shareable field…
Mutation validation ids in input for entities from another service. GraphQL Apollo Federation
0 I need to validate ids from mutation There’s example type Query @extends{ calendars( users: [Int] resources: [Int] workgraph_types: [Int] provide_services: Boolean date_from: String date_to: String paging: PagingInput ): CalendarList! @verifyResource } Need to validate ids for resources. I have resource in another microservice. I need to check that resource exists in another microservice. I…
File Upload on apollo gateway
0 I have two graphql subgraphs server a and server b. Each running fastify and mercurius and using grapqql-upload to handle files. I also have an apollo gateway connected to both servers and working well for queries and mutations. However when using file upload I get a validation error. Anyone ever dealt with this ?…