Tag: bloc
GraphQL and Bloc in Flutter
0 So im trying to implement graphql in flutter, using bloc too. I think i already did all the necessary part, but when i try to hit the graphql, it return response like this HttpLinkParserException (ResponseFormatException(originalException: FormatException: Unexpected character (at character 1) here is my graphql function – void _onLoginButtonPressed( LoginButtonPressed event, Emitter<LoginState> emit) async…
GraphQL in Flutter
0 So im trying to implement graphql in flutter, using bloc too. I think i already did all the necessary part, but when i try to hit the graphql, it return response like this HttpLinkParserException (ResponseFormatException(originalException: FormatException: Unexpected character (at character 1) here is my graphql function – void _onLoginButtonPressed( LoginButtonPressed event, Emitter<LoginState> emit) async…
HttpLinkParserException using GraphQL in Flutter
0 So im trying to implement graphql in flutter, using bloc too. I think i already did all the necessary part, but when i try to hit the graphql, it return response like this HttpLinkParserException (ResponseFormatException(originalException: FormatException: Unexpected character (at character 1) here is my graphql function – void _onLoginButtonPressed( LoginButtonPressed event, Emitter<LoginState> emit) async…
How does the graphql-flutter cache update work when using subscriptions?
0 I am trying to build an app that uses GraphQL with the graphql-flutter package and with Blocs. I generated my graphql classes with the graphql_codegen package. In this app a list of events (the ‘History’) is shown. A few items are loaded, and after this ‘infinitive scroll’ will execute the ‘fetch more’ calls. The…