Tag: async-graphql
Query Error: error returned from database: relation “adverts” does not exist
0 so i have 2 entities in my database use async_graphql::{self, SimpleObject}; use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use sea_orm::entity::prelude::*; #[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, DeriveEntityModel, SimpleObject)] #[sea_orm(table_name = "adverts")] #[graphql(name = "Advert")] pub struct Model { #[sea_orm(primary_key)] pub id: i32, pub created_at: NaiveDateTime, pub updated_at: NaiveDateTime, pub available: bool, pub price: f32, pub location: String, pub user_id: i32, // pub…
Rust Async Graphql Json InputObject Type
0 I’m trying to use Async Graphql, I want to use sqlx json type in model. In normal api operations the code is running. But when I want to use the async graphql InputObject macro, I get an error. The codes I used are as follows, I couldn’t find a solution for the problem. #[derive(Serialize,…