I have Postgraphile running and exploring the queries. Based on my schema.prisma
, I expected to run a GraphQL query similar to the SQL query below. The SQL query is getting all active, unclaimed shifts that a worker is eligible for. How can I update the GraphQL query to filter Facility document requirements based on the active worker ID?
For a Worker to be eligible for a facility's shift:
The Facility must be active
The Shift must be active (i.e., not deleted)
The Worker must be active
The Shift must not be claimed by someone else
The Worker must have all of the facility's required documents
The professions between the Shift and Worker must match
SQL query
select *
from "Shift" s
join "Facility" f on s.facility_id = f.id
and f.is_active = true -- Facility active
join "Worker" w on w.id = 2
and w.is_active = true
and w.profession = s.profession -- Shift and Worker profession match
left join "DocumentWorker" dw on dw.worker_id = w.id -- Worker has document
left join "FacilityRequirement" fr on fr.facility_id = f.id
and fr.document_id = dw.document_id -- Facility requires document
where s.is_deleted = false -- Shift is not deleted and not claimed
and s.worker_id is null
I am unable to run this GraphQL query that I was expecting to be based on the GraphQL docs:
query GetEligibleShifts($workerId: ID!) {
condition: {
isDeleted: false, # Shift is not deleted
workerId: null, # Shift is not claimed by someone else
facilityByFacilityId: { isActive: true }, # Facility is active
profession: CNA # Worker's profession matches the shift's profession
) {
nodes {
workerByWorkerId(condition: { id: $workerId, isActive: true }) {
# Other fields from the Worker type
facilityByFacilityId {
facilityRequirementsByFacilityId(condition: { documentId: { isNull: false } }) {
nodes {
# Other fields from the FacilityRequirement type
"errors": [
"message": "Field "facilityByFacilityId" is not defined by type "ShiftCondition".",
"locations": [
"line": 6,
"column": 7
"message": "Unknown argument "condition" on field "Shift.workerByWorkerId".",
"locations": [
"line": 16,
"column": 24
"message": "Int cannot represent non-integer value: {isNull: false}",
"locations": [
"line": 23,
"column": 67
enum Profession {
model Worker {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
name String
is_active Boolean @default(false)
profession Profession
shifts Shift[]
documents DocumentWorker[]
model Facility {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
name String
is_active Boolean @default(false)
requirements FacilityRequirement[]
shifts Shift[]
model Document {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
name String
is_active Boolean @default(false)
requirements FacilityRequirement[]
workers DocumentWorker[]
model FacilityRequirement {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
facility_id Int
document_id Int
facility Facility @relation(fields: [facility_id], references: [id])
document Document @relation(fields: [document_id], references: [id])
model DocumentWorker {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
worker_id Int
document_id Int
worker Worker @relation(fields: [worker_id], references: [id])
document Document @relation(fields: [document_id], references: [id])
model Shift {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
start DateTime
end DateTime
profession Profession
is_deleted Boolean @default(false)
facility_id Int
worker_id Int?
worker Worker? @relation(fields: [worker_id], references: [id])
facility Facility @relation(fields: [facility_id], references: [id])