I tried to make the subscription update course in the nest js, but it turns out error Object is possibly ‘undefined’ in this line of code const course = await this.courseService.findOne({ id: variables.courseId });
below is my course.resolver.ts
@Subscription('courseUpdated', {
resolve: (value) => value,
filter: async (payload, variables) => {
const course = await this.courseService.findOne({ id: variables.courseId });
if (!course) {
throw new NotFoundException('Course not found');
if (course.creatorId !== variables.userId) {
throw new ForbiddenException('Course not owned by you');
return payload.courseId === variables.courseId;
@Args('courseId') courseId: string,
@Args('userId') userId: string,
) {
return pubSub.asyncIterator(`course:${courseId}`);
Here is the piece of code in my course.graphql
type Course {
id: String
title: String
objective: [String!]
description: String!
language: String
category: String!
tone: String!
modality: String!
classSize: String!
topics: [String!]
duration: Int!
durationLesson: Int!
creatorId: String!
outline: CourseOutline
detailedOutline: CourseDetailedOutline
createdAt: DateTime!
updatedAt: DateTime!
audience: Audience!
input UpdateCourse {
title: String
objective: [String!]
description: String
language: String
category: String
tone: String
modality: String
classSize: String
topics: [String!]
duration: Int
durationLesson: Int
audience: CreateAudienceInput
outline: UpdateCourseOutline
detailedOutline: UpdateCourseDetailedOutline
type Subscription {
courseUpdated(courseId: String!): Course!
I read a lot on stackoverflow but still couldn’t solve it. Yes indeed some of the value is optional, but how to solve it.
Which line is showing the error?
36 mins ago
const course = await this.courseService.findOne({ id: variables.courseId });
in this line27 mins ago