Tag: graphql
Expected 1-2 arguments, but got 3. react tanstack query options
0 Using graphql codegen.yml file: `# 1. Schema (graphql schema location) schema: "src/graphql/schema.graphql" documents: "src/graphql/*.graphql" generates: src/graphql/generated.ts: plugins: – typescript – typescript-operations – typescript-react-query – fragment-matcher config: dedupeFragments: true fetcher: # Function to run func: "./auth-fetcher#fetchData" isReactHook: false` My auth-fetcher file using react query fetcher from https://the-guild.dev/graphql/codegen/plugins/typescript/typescript-react-query `export const fetchData = <TData, TVariables>( query: string,…
GraphQL Relay mutation with spread fragment selection does not update state after commit
0 I have this todos-list component import { Suspense } from "react"; import { graphql, useFragment, useLazyLoadQuery } from "react-relay"; import { todosQuery } from "./__generated__/todosQuery.graphql"; import { todos_todos$key } from "./__generated__/todos_todos.graphql"; export default function Todos() { const data = useLazyLoadQuery<todosQuery>( graphql` query todosQuery { todos { …todos_todos } } `, {} ); return (…
Allowing unrequired lists in graphql
-1 type Participants @entity(immutable: true) { id: String! games: [Games] # array of games they are a part of } this returns the error Participants: – Field ‘games’: Field has type [Games] but must have type [Games!] Reason: Lists with null elements are not supported. see in my contract when a participant in initialized he…
Shopify: Register products with HTML description using GraphQL
0 I’m new to shopify GraphQL and trying to register product through GraphQL and Python. I write a code as below but it returns error. Products with only text can be registerd but product with HTML not registerd. ■Using GCP,Theme:Debut import requests import json # Shopify API credentials shop_url = "ShopURL" access_token = "ACCESS TOKEN"…
Submission error! response.header is not a function in nest-fastify graphql
0 I need set header autorization client. But have error in my Mutation "Submission error! response.header is not a function". my main.ts async function bootstrap() { const app = await NestFactory.create<NestFastifyApplication>( AppModule, new FastifyAdapter(), ); await app.enableCors({ origin: true, methods: ‘GET,HEAD,PUT,PATCH,POST,DELETE,OPTIONS’, credentials: true, }); await app.useGlobalPipes(new ValidationPipe({ stopAtFirstError: true })); await app.register(fastifyCookie, { secret: ‘secret’,…
How guard nil in math function if it drops with bad argument in arithmetic expression
0 Trying figure out, while generating GQL schema, why if :float data in source var square_plot exists (say 50), there is no ERR but if it is NIL the code generates error while i converting value so sqft with such code: may be it seems no validation passes CODE field(:square_plot, :float) // my var is…
Multiple OR/AND filter in AWS Amplify GraphQL
1 with a simple schema like this: type Ticket @model{ id: ID! @primaryKey title: String! description: String! state: State @default(value: "new") priority: Priority } enum Priority { low medium high emergency } enum State { new pending closed waiting suspended } How can I filter my query in order to get the tickets that have…
apollo-server-express CORS issue
25 So I am migrating to apollo-server-express 2.3.3 ( I was using 1.3.6 ) I’ve followed several guides, making the necessary tweaks but am stuck in a CORS issue. According to the docs you have to use the applyMiddleware function to wire up the apollo server with express. I am currently doing the following: const…
Instagram mobile apps api
-1 i need your help. does someone here know what api which using by instagram mobile apps instagram? the assumption is i make my own crawler plugin for instagram hashtag and post by api i got from web inspect element and instagram graphql such as https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/${hashtagName}/ and https://www.instagram.com/api/v1/tags/web_info/?tag_name=${hashtagName}, but the hashtag isn’t complete, only get…