Tag: graphql
NGINX NextJS GraphQL same origin same port fetch calls show 502 Bad Gateway Error
0 Alright I’ve been completely stuck on this and need huge help quick. What I’m trying to do: My domain: https://example.com (just a placeholder) NextJS App https://localhost:3000 (custom server with express) My GraphQL API https://localhost:3000/api/graphql (custom server with express) The NextJS App and the GraphQL API is on the same NodeJS server. The routes actually…
Apollo GraphQL: dynamically caching a schema type, not the entire resolver
0 I would like to use dynamic cache. I was able to set the cache maxAge into the query resolver, but since the resolver can return both an unsuccessful and a successful response I would like to only cache the successful one. In order to do this I would like to set up the info…
Discrepance between an array response from graphQL and same array printed with a console log
0 I have a very strange behaviour and I need your help. I retrieve a list of content from a GraphQl API that i attach you: client.query({query: PAGES_LIST}).then(res => console.log(res.data.pages) The problem is that the response from the network is that: [ { "id": "ddf", "title": "DDF", "type": "HOME", "draft": false, "newtonId": "64edfc8f3508bb20a9dbef19", "creationDate": "2023-08-29…
Importing “@authenticated” directive using nestjs, apollo, and code-first approach
0 I am using NestJS server with microservices and Apollo Router. I want to add "@authenticated" directive to my resolvers so I can omit authentication on requests to routes that do not require it. When using @Directive("@authenticated"), I get an error saying that I either have to use "@federation__authenticated" (which throws error saying it doesn’t…
GraphQLParser nesting limitation
0 I’m using Facebook’s C++ library GraphQLParser to parse GraphQL queries. If a pass the library a query with an extremely large number of nested selection sets – it crashes due to stack overflow. Query for example: query X { name { name { name { … } Is there a way to configure the…
Spring cloud gateway: Websockets on the same URL as HTTP(S)
1 I’m using Spring Cloud Gateway with a routing configuration like this: spring: cloud: gateway: routes: – id: http uri: https://kubernetes-ingres-controller In other words, I’m sending all paths onwards to somewhere else, which happens to be a K8s ingress controller. Spring adds some headers and handles the translation of session cookies into bearer tokens. I’m…
Testing graphql query in react error: TypeError: (0 , _client.gql) is not a function
0 I have this graphql query: export const LOAD_PLAYERS = gql` query GetPlayers { players { id firstname lastname shortname sex picture { url } country { code picture { url } } stats { rank age weight height points } } } `; I’m using it in this custom hook and it works just…
UseOcelot and Hot Chocolate
0 i have gateway with ocelot and Hot Chocolate grapqhl after my initialisation app.UseHttpsRedirection(); app.MapGet("/", () => "Ok"); app.MapGraphQL(); app.UseAuthorization(); app.MapControllers(); app.UseSwaggerForOcelotUI(options => { options.PathToSwaggerGenerator = "/swagger/docs"; options.ReConfigureUpstreamSwaggerJson = AlterUpstream.AlterUpstreamSwaggerJson; options.DefaultModelsExpandDepth(-1); }) .UseOcelot() .Wait(); app.Run(); Graphql UI stop and /graphql stop working Can you help me ? asp.net graphql ocelot Share Improve this question Follow…
Gatsby ,GraphQl content mapping bug
0 I am using Gatsby, GraphQl, and contentful. In my project i am trying to connect specific banner section to specific page (like home page should have banner of home and similarly for about us page and other pages) and i am writing my code for banner in banner.jsx . so the approach is every…
using graphql with redis used as a source rather than a database
0 hi im looking to implement a service that uses Graphql with a Redis as the source? is that a pattern thats used often? redis graphql Share Follow asked 18 mins ago user1555190user1555190 2,86588 gold badges4949 silver badges8080 bronze badges Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions 0 Sorted by: Reset to default…