Tag: graphql
Does GraphQL introspection work on a federated system?
0 If I have a federated GraphQL solution, where each subgraph has ownership over their own schema and resolvers, would I be able to use GraphQL introspection to query the shape of the data across all the schema? Or am I restricted to introspection on one subgraph at a time. Tried looking for more information…
Input extend other input on graphql schema
2 Is it possible any input extend other input on graphql schema? example below: input PaginationInput{ pageSize: Int pageNum: Int } # // example for extending input Pagination input MyFilterInput implement_or_extend PaginationInput { attr1: String } type Query { usingMyFilter(filter: MyFilterInput): Any } Is there any way to do this? graphql typegraphql Share Improve this…
How to add header in Apollo GraphQL : iOS
19 Hy I am working in a project with Apollo GraphQL method and its working fine. But now the client required for adding additional header with Apollo API’s. But after adding the header the API’s response return as unAuthorized. I am adding the header as, let apolloAuth: ApolloClient = { let configuration = URLSessionConfiguration.default //…
Pass GraphQL Header from request to subsequent Axios Request
0 I have an Angular application which is using Apollo Client for querying a GraphQL Server from a NestJS application. This NestJS application is executing a request through Axios to an external Backend. How could be passed the client header set in all the GraphQL requests to the backend request through Axios? Apollo Client GraphQL…
No way to get nextToken when using custom GraphQL query?[Amplify]
0 //MovieList function Defination private fun getMovieList(): GraphQLRequest<MovieDBFinal2> { val document = ("query getMovieList { " + "listMovieDBFinal2s(limit: 1000, filter: {Genre1: {eq: "Animation"}}) { " + "nextToken " + "items { " + "IMDB_title " + "} " + "} " + "} ") return SimpleGraphQLRequest( document, Collections.emptyMap(), TypeMaker.getParameterizedType(QueryResponse::class.java, MovieDBFinal2::class.java), GsonVariablesSerializer()) } internal class QueryResponse<T>…
Extend shareable object in Apollo GraphQL Federation v2
0 Hi guys I have a question, I can’t solve this: I have a shared object between multiple subgraphs. In one subgraph I need to add 2 more fields to this shared object. I tried using "extend" but it’s not working, rover is giving me error when composing. I tried this schema1.graphql type GenericResponse @shareable…
com.netflix.graphql.dgs:graphql-dgs-client version compatibility with spring boot 3.x
0 I am currently using com.netflix.graphql.dgs:graphql-dgs-client version 4.9.15. This worked well with spring boot 2.6.6. On upgrading to spring boot 3.x specifically 3.1.3 I am seeing few failures (If required I can add more details about this). So I upgraded dgs client – com.netflix.graphql.dgs:graphql-dgs-client to 7.6.0. After upgrade, few things are working but other things…
React Native Navigation stack screen mix up
0 There’s some logic issue with my stack when I’m trying to login and logout. I’m currently storing a token using AsyncStorage, however, it seems to be a problem of going into another navigation stack and I’m not quite understanding it. I have verified that the token is showing up as intended and being wiped…
How to provide resolvers from different files to the apollo server (nestjs)
0 I have nestjs quiz api which serves graphql queries and mutations, i have two resolvers (for questions and quizes). To the apollo server i need schema which i have from autoSchema but i dont know how to provide this resolvers without constructors Below my three files (main.ts / quiz.resolver.ts / question.resolver.ts) import { NestFactory…