Tag: graphql
Installing vendor library using composer
0 I’m trying to use the https://github.com/webonyx/graphql-php/ library to make graphql requests.. But for some reason it doesn’t work, and I can’t figure out why. I’m using this command to install: composer require webonyx/graphql-php Vendor folder with content + composer.json / composer.lock appears in the project folder. When I try a simple code like: <?php…
How do you mask sensitive request params in gqlgen?
1 I am currently using gqlgen and would like to log request parameters for error investigation purposes. While I know how to access request parameters like below, I am concerned that this way may log sensitive information such as email addresses or passwords. srv.SetErrorPresenter(func(ctx context.Context, err error) *gqlerror.Error { goc := graphql.GetOperationContext(ctx) fmt.Println(goc.Variables) // i…
Can’t consume context in my mutation resolver, request object passed instead Apollo Server v4
0 I am trying to pass the pubsub to resolvers. I am able to pass pubsub to subscription ‘subscribe’ functions via the useServer function, and as far as I can tell from research the expressMiddleware context should be passed to all resolvers, but when logging it out I’m just getting the request object. index.ts const…
How to refetch all queries after a mutation?
0 Using apollo graphql, I have a mutation that modify the "Person" object in the database All throughout the app, I have various queries to fetch that from "Person". Sometimes I need the whole object, sometimes only the name or the age. There is a list of persons (generated using the PERSON_IDS query) and when…
Set up dynamic routes in Astro with GraphQL fragments query doesn’t work
0 I am trying to setup dynamic routes in Astro SSR mode. From the api I can use the following query (it contains fragments): I am using Apollo Client. const GET_PAGE = gql` query Page($target: String!) { page(target: $target) { type content { … on PageOne { url: anotherKey title: anotherTitleField id } … on…
Set up dynamic routes in Astro SSR mode
0 I try to create dynamic routes in astro SSR mode. I am using Apollo client. I have this grapql query from the api: const GET_PAGE = gql` query Page($target: String!) { page(target: $target) { type content { … on MyPage { id url } } } } `; So based on the target variable…
Duplicate requests when using apollo client in electron.js
0 In electron.js I have basic component that has two useQuery hooks. When the component re-renders the hooks fire and should result in 2 calls in the network tab. However there are 3 or sometimes 4 requests. Looks like the apollo cache is not working. If remove one hook and fire the other one multiple…
Get Result from apollo client error undefined
0 I’m trying to use the result I’m getting from my apollo client. but it keeps giving me error of undefined although the request send was success in network. It means I cannot get access to the result like normal! the code in my store is: async questionSearch({ commit }, data) { const ALL_QUESTION_SEARCH =…
How to use OR / AND in graphql query filter or make a case insensitive filter?
19 Just like the post ask I need to be able to search with 3 possible scenarios. I need to have all uppercase, or lowercase, or normal casing. If that is not possible is there a way to do a case insensitive filter instead? allMarkdownRemark(filter: { brand: { eq: $normalBrand } }) { //==> Need…