I am trying to setup dynamic routes in Astro SSR mode.
From the api I can use the following query (it contains fragments):
I am using Apollo Client.
const GET_PAGE = gql`
query Page($target: String!) {
page(target: $target) {
content {
... on PageOne {
url: anotherKey
title: anotherTitleField
... on PageTwo {
const uri = `/${Astro.params.uri}/`;
const { data, loading } = await client.query<Data>({
query: GET_PAGE,
variables: {
target: uri,
<Layout title="Test">
{loading && <p>Loading...</p>}
!loading && (
{console.log('data', data)}
The wird thing is. When I remove one of the fragments and try to reach that particular page it’s working fine. However with both fragments
in the query it isn’t working.
Why is that and how to solve this?