Tag: dynamic-routing
Set up dynamic routes in Astro with GraphQL fragments query doesn’t work
0 I am trying to setup dynamic routes in Astro SSR mode. From the api I can use the following query (it contains fragments): I am using Apollo Client. const GET_PAGE = gql` query Page($target: String!) { page(target: $target) { type content { … on PageOne { url: anotherKey title: anotherTitleField id } … on…
Set up dynamic routes in Astro SSR mode
0 I try to create dynamic routes in astro SSR mode. I am using Apollo client. I have this grapql query from the api: const GET_PAGE = gql` query Page($target: String!) { page(target: $target) { type content { … on MyPage { id url } } } } `; So based on the target variable…