Tag: graphql
Remove all items in table with Prisma2 and Jest
2 I would like to know how can I remove all items in table with Prisma2 and Jest ? I read the CRUD documentation and I try with this : user.test.js …. import { PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client" beforeEach(async () => { const prisma = new PrismaClient() await prisma.user.deleteMany({}) }) … But I have an…
Apollo-server hide graphql ui in production
1 I’ve been searching for an explanation of this. The question is kind of "basic" so I was hopping to find the solution quickly, but I haven’t. I want to hide the graphical ui in production server so anyone can’t see my queries, but I can’t. I don’t have problems to figure it out how…
How to accept POST request from a remote server on a GraphQL Server
0 I am working on a project currently using GrapQL. I am integrating a payment processor, when the user payment is successful, the payment processor sends a POST request to the webhook URL that is meant to point to my server. Now I was wondering how to achieve this, considering that GraphQL exposes just one…
graphene federation causing dependency issue
0 Trying to use Flask-GraphQL, graphene, starlette-graphene3 and graphene-federation to integrate python code with an existing graphql server. The code worked before trying to install graphene-federation. Other trys have meant pip unable to resolve dependencies. Packages before installing federation and graphql IDE runs locally. Flask==1.0.2 Flask-GraphQL==2.0.0 graphene==2.1.3 graphql-core==2.1 graphql-relay==0.4.5 graphql-server-core==1.1.1` If I install graphene-federation then…
How to disable graphql playground?
0 My angular application is configured with graphql which by default enabled with playground, how to disable it? following is my package.json "dependencies": { "@nestjs/common": "^7.0.8", "@nestjs/core": "^7.0.8", "@nestjs/graphql": "^7.3.4", "@nestjs/microservices": "^7.0.8", "class-transformer": "^0.2.3", "class-validator": "^0.12.2", "graphql": "^14.0.0", "reflect-metadata": "^0.1.12", "rxjs": "^6.0.0" } and Dockerfile FROM node:16 RUN mkdir -p /testappservice/app COPY dist/apps/testappservice-container testappservice/app COPY…
Unknown argument “hasNextPage” on field “pageInfo” GraphQL
0 How to implement pagination for graphQL Query? I keep receiving: "message": "Unknown argument "hasNextPage" on field "pageInfo" of type "Core_EventPeopleConnection"." query myquery($viewId: ID!,$hasNextPage: Boolean!, $endCursor: String!){ Core_eventPeopleListView(viewId: $viewId){ id people{ pageInfo(hasNextPage: true,endCursor: $endCursor){ hasNextPage endCursor } nodes{ firstName lastName jobTitle organization websiteUrl } } } } Variables: { "viewId":"RXZlbnRWaWV3XzMyMTY1Mw==", "endCursor": "WyJhZ2Fyd2FsIiwic2hydXRpIiwiUlhabGJuUlFaVzl3YkdWZk1UVXhPREkzTlRVPSJd", "hasNextPage": true }…
Generate Graphql queries with AI
0 I’m trying to create a model that generates the GraphQL query for my own GraphQL introspection schema based on user input. I’ve tried fine-tuning, but teaching it multiple cases is quite tedious, and my schema is extensive with many fields and arguments. The model should analyze the user’s input (which may not explicitly reference…
Graphql library helper to connect to external endpoint
0 For a project I have to do some requests in PHP to a GraphQL endpoint. I’m familiar with Graphql to build query’s. The most of the project is build in node.js, where I use axios to handle the requests. But in PHP I couldn’t figure it out, it seems I’m having problems setting up…
Is embedding an authenticated user preferences object into another object in GraphQL a common pattern?
0 Let’s say I have the following 3 GraphQL types/objects. type Post { id: ID! title: Strings! author: User! } # composite unique key (postId & userId) type UserPostVote { post: Post! user: User! value: Int! # -1 or 1 } type User { id: ID! username: String! } Now the frontend wants to know…