Tag: graphql
AWS AppSync Subscription to Mutation with object as input struggle
0 I want to create an EventBridge Rule that should trigger a a GraphQL Subscription over Appsync. Everything worked fine until I changed Service from an object to a string. My GraphQL Schema looks like this: input nestedObjectInput { A: String B: String } type simpleReturn { Name: String Service: nestedObject } type Mutation {…
Conditionally render an Astro component based on page type query
0 I am using Astro, GraphQL (Apollo Client), Typescript and React. In my dynamic route: […slug].astro file I need to conditionally render a certain Astro component. I managed to that with: {data.page.type === ‘PageOneType’ && <PageOne />} {data.page.type === ‘PageTwoType’ && <PageTwo />} Can I somehow make this more dynamic, so I don’t have to…
How to show Astro component based on a certain field and map the correct data and Astro component in the dynamic slug page
0 I am using Astro, GraphQL (Apollo Client), Typescript and React. For now I think don’t need React yet. I have a dynamic route: […slug].astro I have the following query: export default gql` query Page($pageTarget: String!) { page(pageTarget: $pageTarget) { type content { … on PageOne { id title } … on PageTwo { id…
How to send a file in the request body for GraphQL API and Spring-boot application using postman?
0 I am using graphQL for my APIs and now I need to receive a file in the request as a multipart file, so how to send that file using Postman to my controller? @Data public class FileDTO { private MultipartFile smsFile; } @Controller public class SMSBulkController { @Autowired ParsingService parsingService; @MutationMapping public ApiResponse<String> uploadFile(@Argument…
Use dynamically type of generic
0 export const createBill = /* GraphQL */ `mutation CreateBill( $input: CreateBillInput! $condition: ModelBillConditionInput ) { createBill(input: $input, condition: $condition) { periodStart periodEnd energy senderId receiverId metering_point_number file_key customer_number bill_number paid interval id createdAt updatedAt __typename } } ` as GeneratedMutation< APITypes.CreateBillMutationVariables, APITypes.CreateBillMutation >; I have this graphql query wich is automatically generated. Now i…
How can I display a pdf using a graphQL query and react?
-1 My task is to use a query, send the mandatory variables and get a pdf from the BE. Right now, I have the code but I can’t get the pdf downloaded. In the network tab I can see my request and the response is a url as string This is the request: query getCollectionReportOverview(…
When using GraphQL and Relay and Fragment, how to see the data?
0 I am onto Step 4 of the Relay Tutorial at: https://relay.dev/docs/tutorial/fragments-1/ It was strange because when I don’t use Fragment, and have the following code: const data = useLazyLoadQuery<NewsfeedQueryType>( NewsfeedQuery, {} ) console.log("HERE 1", JSON.stringify(data, null, 4)); I was able to see in the dev console for the data: HERE 1 { "topStory": {…
React-native AWS amplify graphQl Subscription
0 In my react native project, I am using graphQl subscription with aws-amplify. The problem is it’s not getting notified/called when the backend sends a notification. The backend developer told me, that from their side notification is sending correctly. Now from the Front end side setup is also properly done because one other subscription is…
Validation error of type SubSelectionRequired: Sub selection required for type null of field
36 I am working on a graphql issue where I am getting following error for the request { customer(id: “5ed6092b-6924-4d31-92d0-b77d4d777b47”) { id firstName lastName carsInterested } } “message”: “Validation error of type SubSelectionRequired: Sub selection required for type null of field carsInterested @ ‘customer/carsInterested'”, Below is my schema type Customer { id: ID! firstName: String!…