Tag: graphql
MySQL query data returns null GraphQL node.js
0 I’m having trouble handling MySQL query data in the resolve function of GraphQL objects. The data returns null in GraphiQL despite printing with console.log(). I’ve tried using JSON.parse(). I have the following code: Schema.js const graphql = require(‘graphql’); const queries = require(‘../mysql/queries’); const { GraphQLObjectType, GraphQLString, GraphQLSchema, GraphQLID, GraphQLInt, GraphQLFloat, GraphQLList, GraphQLNonNull } =…
How to avoid overspecifying fields in queries in graphql while avoiding multiple network requests across pages
0 If I have two pages, StepsList and StepDetail, I understand it’s impossible to avoid overfetching on the first page (StepsList) if we want to avoid a second network request on StepDetail // StepsList steps { id name <- I have to specify this field here even if it’s not used, to avoid a network…
Apollo Client gql lte, gte null values Issue
0 I have this query using to query from a graphql subgraph. I use apollo client in my Next.js front-end to query data. This is my query: const DOMAIN_FIELDS = gql` fragment DomainFields on Domain { expires id isListed name listingPrice listingExpiresAt lastSalePrice owner tokenId seller } `; export const GET_DOMAINS = gql` ${DOMAIN_FIELDS} query…
SpringBoot2.7.x Graphql Query did not work
0 first sorry im not good at english that is my setting, and i call query, SpringBoot is work, query is work but return nothing, not null, just return nothing in postman how can i resolve this… 🙁 programming is so hard @Controller @Transactional class MemberGraphController ( private val userRepository: UserRepository, private val passwordEncoder: PasswordEncoder…
I am getting an error when using nestjs-tenancy with mongoose and graphql
0 With basic setup as outlined in the docs https://github.com/needle-innovision/nestjs-tenancy module doesn’t work with nestjs and graphql. After little debugging I found that "getTenantFromRequest" in the TenancyCore module called twice. In first call req was available and I was able to capture the header. But in the second call req was null. Which case tenantId…
Curl API call in PHP
1 I’m new to PHP and trying to make a request to a third-party API using curl. This is what I am trying, but it is just responding with what is on the API’s root endpoint. $service_url = ‘https://api.kivaws.org/graphql’; $curl = curl_init($service_url); $curl_post_data = array( ‘Pragma’ => ‘no-cache’, ‘Origin’ => ‘https://api.kivaws.org’, ‘Accept-Encoding’ => ‘gzip, deflate’,…
use nexus-prisma without prisma client
0 I am planning on using prisma for building the database and migrations, I am not going to use prisma client as there are some limitations I am hitting since prisma does not use native joins. I also want to use nexus prisma to auto generate types for my graphql api. However, I see that…
Deadlocks whenever calling graphQLClient from Maui
0 I am really struggling to get any data returned from a GraphQL Query in Maui. I had the code in the initializer of the Page and was hitting Deadlocks. I get that now. So I have move the code to a button on a page. It is hanging on the line below the Task…
Posting Image to wordpress through Apollo client and GraphQL
0 I’m currently facing a challenge with React Native related to file uploads. I’m working with a WordPress backend that uses GraphQL, and for file uploading, I’m relying on the wp-graphql-upload plugin available on GitHub. This plugin requires the submission of actual file objects, but React Native inherently doesn’t support direct file submissions – it…