Tag: graphql
Error CS0029 Cannot implicitly convert type ‘System.Threading.Tasks.Task’ to ‘Type’
0 Getting the Error CS0029 Cannot implicitly convert type ‘System.Threading.Tasks.Task<peMove.Maui.Models.ErpPart>’ to ‘peMove.Maui.Models.ErpPart’. It can’t convert the ErpPart type to an ErpPart type?? This is probably fairly straight forward but new to C# (VB coder) and async operations. I have been struggling with a lot and am just not seeing it (or burnt out). MainPage.xmal.cs async…
How to define operations map in POSTMAN for GraphQL file upload
1 This is what my schema looks like: extend type Mutation { createMutation( my_id: ID! my_data: input_data ): some_output input input_data { some_key: ID! file : Upload! } This is how I am defining my operations in POSTMAN { "query": "mutation CreateMutation($my_id: ID! , $my_data: [input_data]) { createMutation(my_id: $my_id, my_data : $my_data) { some_key}}", "variables":…
SpringBoot GraphQL Not exposing /graphql endpoint
2 Currently trying to setup SpringBoot and GraphQL but whenever I run the application I don’t seem to get the /graphql endpoint exposed, nor does the graphiql UI get exposed when I set it to enabled in the application.yml file. I’ve also tried setting the endpoint manually in the properties but that also isn’t exposed.…
Gatsby GraphQL Error: Cannot query field “dogs” on type “Query”
0 I created a custom post type in WordPress and would like to build pages for it. When I try out the queries in the IDE they pull the custom post data ok. When I add it to the code, however, it throws the error Cannot query field "dogs" on type "Query" when I build…
Node.js, Apollo Server v4, GraphQL, Mongoose – Category Tree
1 I am trying to create Category Tree with Node.js, Apollo Server v4, GraphQL, Mongoose technologies. But when I want to get the created Category or Subcategory data, the output is not what I want. Categories appear both in subCategories as a reference and as a normal category. I also added category data with this…
Why HotChocolate does not use the input typename instead of described type name?
0 I have the following mutation in my schema which uses DocumentGraphQlInput as input type. But when I take a look at the schema in StrawberryShake I see that the type name is used (with Input suffix) which is described as DocumentGraphQlInput. What I describe below is the right behaviour and my expectations a wrong,…
GraphQL to order by coordinates
0 I have a graphql query that returns a list of pullup bar objects. Query: query PullUpBarsByDate($userID: String) { PullUpBarsByDate( type: "PullUpBar" sortDirection: DESC ) { items { id lat lng userID } } } Returns something like this: [ { id: "rf6zrd1prm", lat: 63.50235889533083, lng: 28.426290788320724, }, { id: "y80ymnlgzi7", lat: 62.5654380797649, lng: 17.338090077030582,…
Node.js, Apollo Server, GraphQL, Mongoose – Category Tree
0 I am trying to create Category Tree with Node.js, Apollo Server, GraphQL, Mongoose technologies. But when I want to get the created Category or Subcategory data, the output is not what I want. Output; { "data": { "getCategories": { "success": true, "response_code": "categories-successfully-retrieved", "message": "Categories Successfully Retrieved!", "categories": [ { "_id": "655a1b6018951b0985fd7635", "name": "K…
Rename types with graphql-codegen
4 I’m working on a legacy codebase where, in our GraphQL schema, an interface was defined as ‘Subscription’: interface Subscription { fieldOne: String fieldTwo: String } type FirstSubscriptionType implements Subscription { anotherField: String } type SecondSubscriptionType implements Subscription { yetAnotherField: String } This has worked fine (we don’t use subscriptions and don’t have plans to),…
How to get access to class IList members through GraphQL?
0 I have a simple Graphql query like this public class Query { public async Task<IPagedList<Book>> Books(int pageIndex, int pageSize) { var data = new List<Book>() { new() { Title = "C# in depth.", Author = new Author { Name = "Jon Skeet" } },new() { Title = "How to cook Phở", Author = new…