Posting Image to wordpress through Apollo client and GraphQL

Posting Image to wordpress through Apollo client and GraphQL


I’m currently facing a challenge with React Native related to file uploads. I’m working with a WordPress backend that uses GraphQL, and for file uploading, I’m relying on the wp-graphql-upload plugin available on GitHub. This plugin requires the submission of actual file objects, but React Native inherently doesn’t support direct file submissions – it deals with blobs or URIs instead.

The core of my issue is bridging this gap: how to effectively upload files from a React Native app to a GraphQL server that expects a standard file format. I’ve posted a detailed description of my issue, including code snippets and error logs, on GitHub:

I’d greatly appreciate any insights, suggestions, or solutions you might have. If you’ve tackled similar challenges or know how to configure React Native to work seamlessly with this GraphQL setup, your guidance would be invaluable.

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