SpringBoot2.7.x Graphql Query did not work

SpringBoot2.7.x Graphql Query did not work


first sorry im not good at english

that is my setting, and i call query, SpringBoot is work, query is work
but return nothing, not null, just return nothing in postman

how can i resolve this… 🙁 programming is so hard

class MemberGraphController (

    private val userRepository: UserRepository,
    private val passwordEncoder: PasswordEncoder

        ) {
    fun findAllUsers(): List<User> = userRepository.findAll()

type User {
    oid: ID!,
    userId: String!,
    name: String!,
    email: String!

type Query {
    findAllUsers: [User],
    findByUserId(userId: String!): User
      enabled: true
        enabled: true
      locations: classpath:graphql/**/
      file-extensions: .graphqls, .ggls
2023-11-18 20:49:12.749  INFO 544 --- [nio-8080-exec-2] p6spy                                    : 

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