Tag: graphql
Spring GraphQL return NULL
1 I want to create my own website in the form of a blog using Spring Boot and GraphQL API, but I don’t understand how to connect the database to GraphQL. When making a request through /graphiql, it returns NULL. I would appreciate any help and advice. I am using PHPMAdmin as database interface. Leave…
How to do a simple join in GraphQL?
30 I am very new in GraphQL and trying to do a simple join query. My sample tables look like below: { phones: [ { id: 1, brand: ‘b1’, model: ‘Galaxy S9 Plus’, price: 1000, }, { id: 2, brand: ‘b2’, model: ‘OnePlus 6’, price: 900, }, ], brands: [ { id: ‘b1’, name: ‘Samsung’…
Correctly coerce “unknown” GraphQL response into type
0 I am using the graphql-request library to fetch data froma GraphQL endpoint. The endpoint returns some information about a user, based on a certain token associated to that user. Here is the type I’ve defined: export type PlayerInfo = { country: string, name: string|undefined, email: string, id: string, } Here are the two approaches…
Need to create checkout session GraphQL + Django
0 I need to create a session for Stripe Checkout. According to Stripe Checkout Docs: Add an endpoint on your server that creates a Checkout Session. A Checkout Session controls what your customer sees in the Stripe-hosted payment page such as line items, the order amount and currency, and acceptable payment methods. Return the Checkout…
Android Studio Gradle Version Error On Apollo
0 Hello i want to use this "https://studio.apollographql.com/public/star-wars-swapi/variant/current/home" star wars api, but when i want to download scheme from terminal i take this error. Here my gradle app module; plugins { id("com.android.application") id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.android") id("com.apollographql.apollo3") version "3.8.2" id("com.google.dagger.hilt.android") kotlin("kapt") id("androidx.navigation.safeargs.kotlin") } apollo { service("service") { packageName.set("com.softcross.starwars") } } android { namespace = "com.softcross.starwars" compileSdk = 34…
Amplify GraphQL query is success failed to parse
0 I have implemented an GraphQL query using amplify. Query is getting success but response is not getting parsed. Query Model static func getStationStateList(deviceUUID:String) -> GraphQLRequest<StationStateList>{ let operationName = "getStationStateList" let document = """ query getStationStateList { getStationStateList(DeviceUUID: "(deviceUUID)") { items { SK Data } } } """ return GraphQLRequest<StationStateList>(document: document, responseType: StationStateList.self, decodePath: operationName)…
in my localhost subscription is running but on server it is not wroking , throwing above message
-1 { "message": "Failed to construct ‘WebSocket’: An insecure WebSocket connection may not be initiated from a page loaded over HTTPS." } in my localhost subscription is running but on server it is not wroking , throwing above message. i want to run on server … graphql subscription wss ws graphql-ws Share Follow asked 10…
websocket subscription server not working. unable to reach subscription server graphql-ws ws
2 i follow the [same documentation code][1] for creating subscription server using websocket graphql, put it doesn’t work with graphql-ws and ws the code worked when i removed the serverCleanup definition, and it also woks well for older subscription library "subscription-transport-ws" my index.js const { ApolloServer } = require(‘apollo-server-express’) const { ApolloServerPluginDrainHttpServer } = require(‘apollo-server-core’)…
Cannot connect Hasura graphql with existing Microsoft SQL Server database
0 I am unable to connect hasura with already existing Microsoft SQL Server database. For testing purpose I have used a local Microsoft SQL Server database with: server name: (LocalDb)MSSQLLocalDB user_name: user password: pass I have used the hasura cloud for connecting the existing database. This is the database url: Driver={ODBC Driver 18 for SQL…
How do I correctly query this GraphQL-based API from Power Query?
0 How do I rewrite my broken query? I’m writing some M code in Power Query that has a GraphQL portion submitted to an API. The goal is to retrieve some employee records: Id, Name, & AccessStatus. Right now I’m receiving a Bad Request error, supposedly due to my syntax being incorrect at some point…