Tag: artillery
Artillery Load Testing: How to Capture, Store, Log ‘requestId’ from Received Response and Pass it in Another Request?
0 When executing an Artillery test via the Windows command line, I observe the following response: 2023-12-12T13:52:17.968Z https:response "{"data":{"postApiV1Memo":{"code":200,"data":{"requestId":"d2966c0e-c91f-46b7-964f-1635ee0bde8b-323032335134"},"message":"Success"}}}" ok statusCode 200 In my YML configuration file, I’ve implemented code to capture and log specific fields, but unfortunately, I am unable to see the captured fields and logs (Also I am not able to Pass…
Artillery Performance Testing for Graph ql endpoints in yml file (not able to see debug log or what went wrong after execution)
0 I am using artillery node JS based tool for performance testing with yml based scenario. I have installed all the plugin library I am able to run artillery test But I am not able to see logs for what is wrong in my graph ql request and what is response. I tried to set…