Tag: apollo
Graphql playground desktop app won’t load
0 I was using the graphql playground desktop app on my Mac for a few months when it suddenly stopped working. Now , when I try to open the application, it gets stuck on this. I uninstalled and reinstalled application but didn’t help. Any ideas? macos graphql apollo graphql-playground Share Follow asked 4 mins ago…
How to delete an object by pressing a button with onClick via mutation
0 There is code with GraphQL in bff and in the application part. This function is described as follows: shema.js: type Mutation { deleteCart(id: Int): [Cart] } index.js: deleteCart: (_, args) => { carts = carts.filter((c) => c.id !== args.id); return carts; } As declared in query: export const CART_ITEMS = gql` mutation DeleteCart ($id:…
Read cache from a different request field
0 With React Native and Apollo client, I am am trying to properly write and read cache from a different request field. I basically ave two object types : ‘User’ & ‘Event’, and I have those " requests : All the events : (Event List screen) events { id numberOfParticipants } Connetced user with events…
I am getting error while starting webpack dev server over nodejs fastify
0 command: "build": "webpack –config ./webpack.development.js" "start": "fastify start -l debug –options dist/bundle.js", error: AvvioError [Error]: Plugin must be a function or a promise. Received: ‘object’ at assertPlugin (C:\Local\Work\Digital\yettel\DEV\GIT\yettel-webpack\node_modules\avvio\boot.js:207:11) at Boot._addPlugin (C:\Local\Work\Digital\yettel\DEV\GIT\yettel-webpack\node_modules\avvio\boot.js:240:12) at Boot.use (C:\Local\Work\Digital\yettel\DEV\GIT\yettel-webpack\node_modules\avvio\boot.js:216:25) at Object.server.<computed> [as register] (C:\Local\Work\Digital\yettel\DEV\GIT\yettel-webpack\node_modules\avvio\boot.js:40:14) at runFastify (C:\Local\Work\Digital\yettel\DEV\GIT\yettel-webpack\node_modules\fastify-cli\start.js:149:17) { code: ‘AVV_ERR_PLUGIN_NOT_VALID’ } also how can i debug the fastify autoload…
GraphQL gql Syntax Error: Expected Name, found }
84 I’m attempting to set up Apollo GraphQL support in a new React project, but when I try to compile a query using gql I keep receiving the error: Syntax Error: Expected Name, found } This is generated by the following code: import gql from ‘graphql-tag’ const query = gql` { user(id: 5) { firstName…
GraphQL Code Generator with Apollo Client query with fragment type not detected
0 I have a simple Todo component that pulls all todos from my GraphQL endpoint. I am testing the fragment functionality using Apollo Client and GraphQL Code Generator to generate my types. Everything works, however the types for the fragment don’t (the data is there and displays correctly on the page). Below is the code…
Can we install dedicated version of apollo graphql in our local machine, if yes what is the procedure to do it
-1 I am working in a client project and we are planing to buy dedicated version of apollo graphql. Can we install dedicated version of apollo graphql in our local machine, if yes what is the procedure to do it https://www.apollographql.com/pricing/ I Searched for in internet but couldn’t find any website expalaining it, please help…
Apollo Router request to subgraph
0 How can I make my apollo router make GET requests to subgraph instead of POST. Based on my benchmark, GET outperforms POST. But it only happen between client & the router. I want to improve the network performance by making GET requests from router to subgraph instead of POST. federation_version: =2.0.1 subgraphs: product: method:…
What is the design pattern for doing Apollo serverside logic
0 To learn GraphQL and Apollo I am working on a Tic Tac Toe game. Currently the way it works is that the server stores all game information so when the client clicks a square, it sends a mutation to the server which updates the GameState type and returns the new state. What I would…