Expected Iterable, but did not find one for field “Query.launches”

Expected Iterable, but did not find one for field “Query.launches”



    type Query {
      launches: [Launch]
    type Launch {
      id: String!
      mission_name: String


    export interface launch {
      launches: Launch[];
    export interface Launch {
      id: string;
      mission_name: string;

Service file

  async getlaunches(): Promise<any> {
    this.logger.info('Demonstrate masking of logged data:');
    return await this.apiClient.post(this.launchEndpoint, {
      query: '{ launches { id, mission_name } }',

the launchEndpoint is this public URL : https://spacex-production.up.railway.app/

resolver file

  async getLaunches(): Promise<any> {
    return this.apiclientService.getlaunches();

Controller file

      getlaunches(): any {
        return this.apiclientService.getlaunches();

I have already tried couple of hours on this issue but no help, let me know if anyone know how to solve it.



  • What is your apiclientService? Also, why are you returning a Promise<Observable<launch>>? You should probably convert the Observable to a Promise or only use Observables. There are use cases for when you need to mix the two, but this doesn't seem like one of them

    – Jay McDoniel

    45 mins ago

  • @JayMcDoniel Okay i have changes the Observable and now just using the promise. apiclientService is just the service class where, i have other functions as well to fetch for other services. When i am just call this public api with my query in the code it working well, and giving me the results but when i am using the same through the apollo sandbox its not able to give me desired result.

    – Krish909

    19 mins ago

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